Observations about our Market Segment
Results of the Fluxx Consumer Survey, spring 2007
The 48-question Fluxx Consumer Survey was open at SurveyMonkey.com
for two months, in March and April of 2007. It garnered 2417
responses from consumers.
Since 87% of these respondents said Fluxx was either a lot
of fun, a great game, or their favorite game of all, with only
2.3% saying they don't actually care for it, it must be recognized
that this sampling is heavily skewed towards the viewpoints of
people who have a positive -- if not extremely positive -- opinion
of Fluxx.
Assorted Statistics
To begin with, here's some quantitative data about our main
market segment:
- Fluxx fans are most likely male (71.2%).
- Most (81%) are between ages 18-42, with a third being in
the 26-34 year range.
- Most live in the suburbs. Almost 60% live with one other
adult, and about a third have 1-2 children living in their household.
- Usually they are smarter, well-educated people, with more
than half of the respondents having either graduated or spent
time in college (an eighth of the respondents are currently taking
college classes).
- Generally they are also "nerdier" people, with
58% readily self-identifying as "computer geeks" (with
another 18% saying "no, but..." explanations for how
they're not-quite-geeks, or are math geeks or other-kinds-of-geeks,
- The only significant employment statistics (greater than
15%) show them to be students or employed in the computer professions.
Fluxx fans appear more likely to self-identify as "casual
gamers" than "competitive gamers," with 73% of
survey respondents calling themselves "casual gamers."
- 55% play games regularly with each other in their homes with
over 80% playing several times a month.
- 86% buy card games at Game/Toy Store, but over 50% also
shop online.
- 2% of respondents (32 people) reported that they play Fluxx
almost every day. 7% play it at least once a week, 32% play several
times a month, and almost half play Fluxx every couple of months.
Opinion Observations
Moving from statistics to more qualitative comments, we received
a wide range of interesting feedback:
- A lot of people found our websites easy to navigate and understand,
while others reported finding them complex and difficult. Sometimes
wildly opposing opinions will appear right next to each other
in our survey data-dump. (But while the dichotomy is fun, the
detractors -- some of whom where quite harsh -- are correct:
our websites do need a big overhaul.)
- People are generally less driven to collect Promo Cards than
the vocal minority we often hear from lead us to believe.
- People are REALLY excited about Zombie Fluxx.
- Interest is also strong in other new versions of Fluxx.
- Many people also asked when Stoner Fluxx would be available
- Andy's strident political views, particularly regarding the
drug war, were mentioned not infrequently as a point of concern;
but while many had negative views to express, many others express
support for his positions. A couple of the most memorable quotes
on this point:
- "I REALLY like that Andy puts his opinions up there.
Anyone visiting should know who you guys are, and what you believe
in. I think this pulls in more people than it pushes away."
- "I like Andy's writing style and general geekiness,
and I like watching him develop ideas. I disagree almost diametrically
with every political/social idea he's ever expressed, and I wish
he'd keep such content more segregated from the gaming-related
- Andy's videos and Thought Residue were often praised, as
were various other features, both bygone and current.
- The Long Hair page was often mentioned positively, and there
were also a number of requests for a return of the "Keep
Your Hair Long" cards.
- Suggestions for promoting Fluxx mostly involved advertising,
more computer versions, and trying to get featured on a big talk
Wonderful tidbits of praise were to be found everywhere among
the responses to our questions. Here's an un-organized sampling
of the joy:
- "You guys are a great group of people. I just played
Chrononauts for the first time yesterday and I was hooked instantly.
It seems that with every game I try by your company, I get hooked.
One last thing I'd like to say. My Friend taught me and my girlfriend
how to play Fluxx, and we in return have taught our friends and
family. There are about 25 people that now know how to play due
to one person teaching two. I just want to let you know, we are
still teaching new people whenever we can. Thank you so much
for bringing such safe addicting games to our world."
- "I think Fluxx is one of the most original games on
the market."
- "I really admire and like Looney Labs as a company.
while I'm more of a historical boardgamer, I really love your
products. I'm not much of an abstract game player... yet I love
Icehouse and it's expandability. Keep up the great work and great
games! Thank you!"
- "You are all some of the most creative people I have
ever seen. The games, the website, the humor are all amazing.
I wish you continued success but not so much it changes you.
(Like what happened to WOC with MTG). There is a very carefree,
hippy, artsiness to what you do. Thanks"
- "Fluxx is the most innovative game I've played in a
long, long time. I wish I'd have found out about it sooner!"
- "Fluxx rocks! I don't know what else to say about it,
it's just the coolest damn card game ever. "
- "Great game! One of the most innovative and interesting
games I've encountered. A rich set of rules, yet easy to learn.
- "My daughter has stolen our deck and takes it to school
every day to play with her friends at lunch time. She's in 7th
- "I love Looney Labs. You are one of the best game companies
there is :D"
- "I love all your games! My Mother uses NanoFictionary
in her high school creative writing class. The kids all love
- "When we go on vacations, especially the ones with our
extended family, the games that we've bought from Looney Labs
are usually among the first things packed."
- "Chrononauts is awesome to the nth degree"
- "The instructions on cards in your card games are impeccably
edited, making them very enjoyable to play. "
- "I LOVE FLUXX!!! I bring it all the time when I am getting
together with a group of friends and everyone that I have introduced
to the game has loved it. It is so original that you just get
- "I absolutely adore all your games. Bought a few for
my class last year at Origins and some just for me. You're always
my first stop at Origins and you were the reason my trip to Origins
last year was a fun one! (I competed in the tournament that was
against the creator.) Thanks for being soooooooo cool! :)"
- "FLUXX is the greatest game of all time keep it around
for ever."
- "Congratulations! I've so far played three of your games
(treehouse, fluxx, and chrononauts), and I've found them to be
some of the most amazing and quirky games I've played. Few companies
can create a personality that is present in their product line,
and yours is most definitely one of them. In only a month or
so, I've gone from not knowing anything about you guys to being
a demo rabbit. Keep up the good job!"
- "I love all you guys! Not in a drunken or potentially
abusive way. Looney Labs provide interesting and entertaining
all ages games. The gaming industry is too full of dark and pretentious
games, so the Looneys are a breath of insanely abstract fresh
- "Thank for creating Fluxx... you've brought me and my
friends many hours of fun and laughter... and driven a couple
of friends bonkers."
- "*sniff* ... I friggin' love you guys"
- "I am still waiting on the 3 House book. Sometime before
I die of old age would be nice. :P"
- "Keep up the good work, I've never had anything bad
to say about you guys. Fluxx is solid."
- "Everyone I have played with wants a copy, and I tend
to try to keep spares around for sharing. I think it's a great
game. I also am amused by people who just can't seem to get the
hang of playing it."
- "Keep up the awesome work! I CAN'T WAIT FOR ZOMBIE FLUXX."
- "I really enjoy Looney Labs games, and play them frequently."
- "As a member of the North Berkshire Game (design) Group,
I see and play a lot of games. Fluxx continues to be a standout
in originality. We've considered many mutating rules systems
but have never created one quite as elegant as Fluxx's. Please
continue with the good work and we're looking forward to more
great games from Looney Labs! If you're interested in our group,
you can see our website at http://www.nbgg.org/"
- "I have loved Fluxx for a number of years now. My friends
from college and I almost always break out the deck when we get
together. I purchased EcoFluxx to use in my classroom once I
become certified as a science teacher. It will be a good way
to both add some fun and teach the students about the environment."
- "We're looking forward to introducing our extended family
to Fluxx at our upcoming family reunion. We have a few relatives
whose minds are probably going to explode! I think it's a great
subversive way to teach kids (& everyone else that plays)
that rules change and change arbitrarily, and that everyone has
at least some power to be the ones who change them."
- "I really enjoy your games, and they are fun for all
ages. I run a private daycare for school age kids (k-8) and we
all have a good time playing your games. Fluxx, Aquarius, Ice
Towers are a few of the games I play with the kids and they enjoy
them as much as I do. Thank You for making such fun games."
- "Fluxx brought me in but all the games are fantastic.
You have to really use your brain and that is rare in games today."
- "I love your games and can't wait to buy Zombie Fluxx.
A new color of icehouse pieces would be cool too."
- "You guys are doing a good job. Keep it up, and don't
get discouraged."
- "Thanks for bringing so much joy to our lives!"
- "ZOMBIE FLUXX!!!! You guys are GENIUS!!!"
- "I LOVE Chrononauts!!! It is probably my fav card game
ever! I love the promo cards for it and the expansions. I think
you should make an updated expansion for the last 8 years. "
- "Thanks for your great games. Oh, one more thing, my
husband, a Philosophy professor, uses Fluxx in his college philosophy
classes: "nothing stays the same" kind of thing. The
college kids love it!"
- "Chrononauts isn't just a little card game - it's a
way for liberals like me to dream of what the world would be
like "if things had gone differently". There is the
potential there for a subculture to grow up around Chrononauts
- with such appeal to the "what a wonderful world it could
be" instinct, there really ought to be some way to make
it a more deeply ingrained part of our lives. You ever think
of selling souvenirs from those alternate timelines - bumper
stickers, buttons, t-shirts? Or maybe having a book written?
And I'd love to see modern events somehow integrated into the
game. I know that "bolting on a few extra events" would
be incredibly challenging to keep the play balance right, but
darned if I wouldn't love to see "Supreme Court rules to
let ballot counts proceed" lead to "Al Gore enters
the White House" lead to "Kyoto Accord targets met
five years early" and "middle east struggles subside,
neighbours rebuild". :)"
- "*GREAT* games. We've been spreading the word to friends
and family (and total strangers.)"
- "Thanks for all that you've done for the gaming community!"
- "Looney Labs games are the basis of my family's healthy
games addiction. They bring us together often. Keep up the great
work (and please release more Fluxx variations)!"
- "I use Fluxx in my Cognitive Psychology class to introduce
costs in task switching. It's a good, memorable demonstration
- "I wish there was more time in the week for playing
fluxx at school, etc; I literally do take it every day, just
too many tests and such to play most of the time. I find the
easiest way to get people to buy Fluxx is to sit down and play
it with them. I've had people at school, at cons, and random
places ask me where they can buy it, I usually send them to your
website or a vendor if it's a convention. Aquarius is also fairly
easy to cow people into, chrononauts more hit-or-miss (but I
enjoy it)."
- "1.) Keep up the good work. 2.) Fluxx makes a great
tool for teaching my employees how to deal with change in their
work environment. I'm using it to help with an upcoming reorg.
- "You're all doing a great job, the world would be a
better place if everyone was as understanding and tolerant as
those people at Looney Labs. "
- "Keep up the good work. I have never seen or played
a game of yours that I have not liked. "
- "Thank you for making the best card game on the face
of the planet."
- "Love your games, already own most of them, probably
will buy anything you put out just based on how much I like the
ones I already have. I would say I play Early American Chrononauts
the most."
- "Please continue to make great games that are as fun
as Fluxx. I think is was the game that was our big inspiration
for a regular game night... and the only game ANYONE wanted to
play for a very long time, and still a frequently requested game.
It is our perfect party game - involved enough to hold attention
yet simple enough to play while drinking! I'm hoping to get everyone
hooked on Chrononauts next, although it is taking a little bit
more time for it to catch on, so it plays slower and as a result
I'm having a bit of trouble getting the crowd into it. BUT I
think you guys are great! Keep up the awesome work! YOU ROCK!"
- "I really appreciate the game play of the Looney Labs
games and how friendly they feel to the casual game-player. When
you know people who game a lot and you don't game very often,
it's hard as a newbie to jump in and play without dragging down
the level of play for everyone. But Fluxx is very accessible
-- great job!"
- "My husband thinks that playing Fluxx should be part
of course-work at Business and Project Management schools. It
perfectly demonstrates how things can change."
- "Fluxx seems interesting, but my wife and I played it
once, and haven't gone back to it. On the other hand, Nano Fictionary
is brilliant. I'm a teacher, and every semester I have all of
my students play the game to teach storytelling. The Speech and
Debate kids next door borrow my deck, too. My cards are wearing
down, so I'll be buying another deck soon. I'm extremely interested
in any expansions to Nano Fictionary. But not Fluxx."
- "I found out about Looneylabs through Chrononauts, and
while I've tried out your other games, none of the others have
had the same captivation and draw for me or any of my friends/family
as Chrononauts. I've got several copies and all the expansions,
and play it a lot. Sometimes it has the same "accidental
victory" that Fluxx has, but there feels like more of a
story behind it and, for someone, much more of a sense of accomplishment
than "all the cards I need to win are on the table on turn
1", which we've had with Fluxx several times."
- "Fluxx is the best game I know. I have given it to dozens
of people. Unfortunately, it takes a level of intelligence and
humor that some don't have. "
- "My boyfriend and I used to have Fluxxathons for hours...it
was some of the best times ever!"
- "Don't stop being the most-awesomest game company ever!"
- "Your games are unusual, thought-provoking, good for
table talk, fun, some require strategic or tactical thinking,
some even require right-brain thinking. You have a lot of humor
on the site and I feel connected to the Looney community. You
are associated with other companies that make good games. You're
always doing something new. "
- "it's all consistently interesting. The first time I
saw the site, I think I stayed up until 6 AM."
- "I visit about 2 dozen publisher sites regularly. My
friends will tell you that I have often commented that LooneyLabs.com
is one of the best. It is obvious to me that your webmester put
in a lot of time and effort (if not I'm even more impressed)
and it shows."
- "LOVE everything about the site. Its great to be able
to see the mind and thoughts of a great game designer. The only
thing I would SUGGEST is bring back the Iceland Saga. I spent
an entire summer catching up on the story and would love to see
the characters brought back in short comics. "
- "It's very sprawling. Despite being a 2-year reader,
I can still find things hidden within it. Either intentionally
or otherwise, there's always a new place to discover. Wunderland.com
is a whimsical and captivating labyrinth where one can truly
get lost in the world of the Looneys, walking away as if one
has actually known Andy as a close personal friend for years."
- "Like reading about you guys, it's one of the best blogs
out there! Very entertaining, lots of stuff to see, lots of good
outgoing links. I also think that Andy's video podcasts are awesome,
and there are a lot of interesting WTS blogs, and there are pictures
and stories and an entire mess of things to read. Very entertaining,
one of my most visited sites when I'm just surfing for fun."
- "Today's world is insanely accelerated and swamping
people's attention with stimuli from movies, TV, surfing, news
that foster fear, anxiety, phoney excitement. Can one little
deck of cards save human civilization from crumbling? Can a game
of such friendly fun, clever thinking, planning of making the
most of what's in hand, provide the breathing space people need
in the rat race? Can it bring people together for fun moments
that restore their sense of balance and community? Can a game
of such potential depth flourish in a shallow, mindless world?
- "Andy's updates are much more informative and fun than
a typical blog; there are lots of fun old projects/pages to surf
- "first blog I ever read, and still the longest running
one I read! love the insight into your company and friends."
- " I also loved reading about all of the background development/inspiration
behind Chrononauts. I have since read as many of the stories/novels
referenced that I could find (and tracking down some of them
was not so easy)."
- "Keep up the good work! I use my Icehouse pieces for
game design and stand-ins when I need extra components for games.
They are always on my mind!"
- "We have been looking for a great game to play on the
go - and we have found it with Fluxx! We have even been successful
getting the -I don't feel like playing a game- people to want
to play this game! Thanks!"
- "Fluxx is a very cool game. I like how it really plays
with some folks heads. Some people just cannot deal with a game
without set rules. I prefer those folks!"
- "Thanks for the great games. As a game (board and card
format) collector, I am very impressed. They are incredibly original,
easy to learn and highly addictive."
- "I love your games. Simple and fun, without being overly
competitive and strategic. Also, they usually have very simple
to understand rules, which makes for a quick explanation. My
wife will actually play these games, so that's a huge plus."
- "Love Fluxx.. I find it addicting and a great way to
spend an evening with friends!"
- "I love the fluxx game. I hated cards games before my
husband and I bought this pack of cards. We bought the family
deck a year later for out 6 year old who is now reading. She
loves the game!"
- " I know that this was a Fluxx survey, but I just thought
I would use this space to voice my appreciation for the truly
unique gaming experience that the little plastic pyramids provide."
- "I think it's great that you guys have seen such success
with Fluxx! Every time I visit the site or play Fluxx I'm inspired
to create. Keep up the good work! "
- "You are my game design role models! I think you're
utterly fabulous, talented, creative, witty, and seem to have
many values I resonate with, and you and your family seem like
you'd be very cool and interesting people to hang out with. If
you're ever in the Portland, OR, area, I'd love to invite you
to one of our games nights at local coffee houses!"
- "Everyone I've ever played Fluxx with seems to take
to it right away. It's just that kind of a game. I've never had
anyone NOT want to play again."
- "You have my sincere thanks for developing the Icehouse
pieces, Fluxx, and Chrononauts. They frequently bring me and
my friends great joy, and I think creating joy is one of the
most noble and positive things a person can hope to do when they
get up in the morning. I wish you well."
- "You games are fantastic. Fluxx is a game that makes
a room smile. Anytime I introduce a new player or give a deck
as a gift, I'm confident that the new player will continue to
spread the game. Its just that good. "
- "Thanks for being so clever, creative, fun, friendly,
and cheerful! "
- "Don't forget about Chrononauts! Please. Really. Fluxx
is a great game for the masses, but Chrononauts is the flipping
bomb. You guys really hit on something extra special with that
- "I bring this game with me to academic competitions
I bring students to, as a high school teacher. I have played
this and others of your games with complete strangers of many
different states and ages. Fluxx is one of the easiest to introduce
people to."
- "Thanks for being such a great game company! Making
my own games is something I used to do in school and intend to
do again if/when I get to retire (hopefully within 5 years if
luck holds, instead of the "usual" time). Your openness
and sharing with your fans/customers sets you apart from almost
all other companies, not just game companies."
- "I have every confidence that you'll find a solution
to your manufacturing dilemma that doesn't involve exporting
the work to China. Keep up the great work, and I'll look forward
to many many more years of great Looney Labs games!"
- "I love this game, the kids love this game, and I introduce
everyone I can to this game. I just bought my 8th pack of cards,
because I keep giving them away..."
- "You guys keep up the good work. Stoner Fluxx and Eco
Fluxx are great ideas for keeping important issues in the social
- "YOU GUYS ROCK! Fluxx is really the best card game I've
ever played. I liked it SO much that I quit playing M:TG because
I would have rather played fluxx, and if you can beat out magic
in my eyes you're doing great!"
- "Thank you for making games interesting and accessible
again. Even some of my family seem interested in Fluxx, and we've
never been a group to play games together."
- "I enjoyed The Empty City and the Iceland comics. If
you ever find the time to write another story of any kind, I
would read it."
- "I cannot stress too much how great a Fluxx game for
the Nintendo DS handheld game system would be. There are tons
of small publishers around who would love to get their hands
on this kind of app."
- "I LOVE your games. They are so much fun. Thank you
so much for making them. You are very gifted and thank you for
sharing your great ideas with the world. You're Awesome!"
- "I love your game company. You're passionate and inventive
and quirky and fun. And you do what you do with integrity. You're
awesome people and I'm glad you're able to make your games and
share them. Keep up the good work."
- "I appreciate the 'self-made' aspect of the Looney Nation
which is a big reason why I support them even if I'm not a gamer
or rabbit or ever been to a convention. Make creative products
and people will come."
- "You guys make GREAT games, and are FABULOUS people!!!
I'm so very glad to have gotten to know all about your games
and your company and to have had the chance to meet you. What
I can't believe is how long it's taken me to get into the Icehouse
games. Was introduced to Volcano recently and WOW! Have turned
several people on to the fun of it already. 2007 is going to
be a year for me to explore the Icehouse games. I can't wait!
- "Changing rules were strange at first because there
are no other games out that do that, however once I understood,
they became awesome."
- "Simple enough that you can explain the game with no
actual speech. (I've done this on a few occasions - just dealt
someone a hand and pointed at the rules card.) This is really
neat. : ) "
- "It has a good blend of luck and skill. Beginners stand
a good chance of beating me, but I don't feel like I have no
control over the outcome. So it is a good game to play with complete
beginners and experts."
- "It's a lightweight family game that can be played with
a very flexible number of players, it doesn't take long to learn,
it doesn't feel bad to lose, and it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings."
- "It is a cool comfortable game. It exhibits my personal
values in a very positive way."
- "The rules are written right there on the cards so it's
simple to teach others. Also, I like the art. And the significance
it assigns to everyday objects."
- "There's a precision to it that really appeals to my
computer-programmer sensibilities. The design is perfectly balanced."
- "My favorite version is Eco-Fluxx. I like it because
you don't have to have all the keepers to meet a goal, and I
love the inherent nature-lessons in the game."
- "It can be played over and over with the same group
of players and never grow stale. The chaos factor keeps the game
fresh and new.. even long after the cards are grey and old."
- "Fluxx doesn't take a lot of thought, so you can BS
while you're playing it. The game itself is just an excuse for
- "It can be played without thinking hard (in particular,
without thinking at all during other people's turns), so it's
a good distraction, and a good game for a group of people to
play while still carrying on a conversation about something else.
Rarely do I play 'serious' strategy games; if I'm going to play
a game, I want it to be *fun*. That's Fluxx. And there's Chocolate
in it! :)"
- Question: What do you dislike? Answer: "CANT...STOP...PLAYING!!!
- "[Wunderland.com has] a lot of information to take in...
but I love the random things like links to awesome sites and
whatnot. I originally found the site through the Rubik's cube
art page, then I read the Iceland comic for a long time before
ever bothering to visit the rest of the site. When I read about
your games, I went straight out and bought Fluxx and the rest
is history. ;)"