Looney Labs Big Experiment #2

You see a sign sitting in the hallway that says "Big Experiment" with a listing of many games. You look up to see a large signpost that proclaims "Looney Labs." Curious, you decide to poke your head in the room, and see people sitting around at various tables playing games with colorful pyramids, talking about unsinking the Titanic, and proclaiming that they have stolen the toaster. As you enter the room, you glance around to see a small den in the center of the room, decorated with tie-dye sheets and people sitting on the floor around the table asking about the buddha-nature. And in the corner people are stacking large foam pyramids.

Before you know it, you're approached by someone in a lab coat. "Welcome to the Lab... would you like to play a game?"

The Looney Labs Big Experiment #2 happened at the Origins game convention in Columbus, OH from July 5th-8th, 2001. It was a blast.


Schedule: This year's events are over, but here's all what happened. Click on a link to be taken to a report of that event.

Game Day Time
Cosmic Coasters Thursday 10a-12p
Fluxx Thursday 10a-12p
Fluxx Prelim. Tournament Thursday 12p-2p
Chrononauts Thursday 12p-2p
IceTowers Thursday 2p-4p
Chrononauts Prelim Tourn. Thursday 2p-4p
IceTowers Tournament Thursday 5p-7p
IceTraders Thursday 5p-7p
Chrononauts Thursday 7p-9p
Chrononauts Prelim Tourn. Thursday 9p-11p
Zendo Thursday 11p-1a
Volcano Thursday 11p-1a
Martian Go Friday 1a-3a
Cosmic Coasters Friday 10a-12p
IceChess Friday 10a-12p
Cosmic Coasters Tournament Friday 12p-2p
Zendo Friday 12p-2p
Zendo Tournament Friday 2p-4p
Chrononauts Friday 2p-4p
Aquarius Friday 5p-7p
Chrononauts Prelim. Tourn. Friday 5p-7p
IceTraders Tournament Friday 7p-9p
Martian Chess Friday 7p-9p
Fluxx Prelim. Tournament Friday 7p-9p
Martian Chess Tournament Friday 9p-11p
Fluxx Friday 9p-11p
Zarcana / Gnostica Friday 11p-1a
Fluxx Prelim. Tournament Friday 11p-1a
RAMbots Saturday 1a-3a
Zarcana / Gnostica Saturday 8a-10a
Aquarius Saturday 8a-10a
Zarcana Tournament Saturday 10a-12p
Aquarius Tournament Saturday 10a-12p
Fluxx Prelim. Tournament Saturday 12p-2p
Gnostica Tournament Saturday 2p-4p
Icehouse Saturday 5p-7p
12th Annual Icehouse Tournament Saturday 5p-7p
IceTowers Saturday 7p-9p
Chrononauts Saturday 9p-11p
Fluxx Prelim. Tournament Saturday 11p-1a
Chrononauts Prelim. Tourn. Saturday 11p-1a
Zagami Sunday 1a-3a
New Game Testing Sunday 10a-12p
Chrononauts Championship Sunday 10a-12p
Fluxx World Championship Sunday 12p-2p
Booth Challenge: Q-Turn Ongoing/Sunday 1 PM
Booth Challenge: Proton Ongoing/Sunday 2 PM

Thanks to all the rabbits who helped out at the Big Experiment, everything ran great thanks to the efforts of these dedicated rabbits. So once again, thanks to Adam, Becca, Dale, Dan E, Dan I, Eeyore, Emily, Eric, Gina, Jake, John, Kory, Liam, Lynne, Mike, Nathan, Petra, Renee, Ryan, toK, Tucker, Zarf, and to anyone else who helped out.

Thanks for making us so much more than just a demo team.

-Dave Chalker
Rabbit Coordinator
"Experiments never fail!" -Professor Julius Sumner Miller, Dramatic Demonstrations in Physics

What is Origins?

Origins is an annual gaming convention held in Columbus, Ohio. It is the official convention of the Game Manufacturers Association (GAMA). It is home to every type of gaming experience, from card games to board games to roleplaying games... and of course, Looney Labs games! Check out The Official Origins Website for lots more information!

What is the Big Experiment?

The Big Experiment is a demo room for Looney Labs games at C13-15 where we'll be having 45 events. Stop by and try your luck in a tournament, learn a new game from the masters, or just hang out with the creators of your favorite Looney Labs games.

Also, there will be an exhibitor booth at location #109 where you can purchase the Looney Labs games that you played in the Big Experiment. Keep an eye out for our Mad Lab Rabbits as well, clad in Lab Coats, as they will be more than happy to guide you into the Big Experiment...

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