You'll spend hours just reading this shirt, and so will your friends - it's a real attention getter and conversation starter.

Introducing the 1999 Y2K Countdown to Meltdown Calendar T-shirt. It's a high quality 100% cotton t-shirt with a huge, intricately drawn calendar for 1999 imprinted on it, 6 months on the front, and 6 on the back. Each day has something to say, which means there's a huge amount of trivia jammed onto this shirt. This includes the anniversaries of notable inventions, famous disasters, landmark legal rulings, space milestones and other important historical events, along with celebrity birthdays, every imaginable holiday, anniversaries of fictional and future occurrences, jokes, cartoons, special events, phases of the moon, astrological information, and lastly, frequent reminders throughout the year of how many days remain before the big Y2K computer bug meltdown at the end of the year (located on the lower right hand corner of the back of the shirt).

You'll spend hours just reading this shirt, and so will your friends - it's a real attention getter and conversation starter. And it's just the gift for that person in your life who's particularly concerned about the upcoming Y2K difficulty.

The 100% cotton calendar shirt comes in a light gray ("ash") as well as a colorfully radiant tie-dye (which costs extra).

  6 days in April


  6 days in August


  6 days in October



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