i am bisexual
i have always
been bisexual
my earliest
memories of being attracted to women coincide with my earliest
memories of being attracted to men
the fact that i married a man,
has never changed the fact that i love women
in early
february 1998
- i found this group called the bndc
- The
Bisexual Network of DC
a fabulous group
of people
i have made
new friends
shared life
what is it
like to be gay?
what is it
like to be bisexual?
my story is different
i have NEVER
thought there was
- anything wrong with me, never thought
- my feelings or actions were a sin
for this i have my parents to
i don't remember a conversation
they taught by example
the simple
fact that they truly understand
- and firmly believe that homosexuality
- is a natural and ok thing
an environment
free of prejudice and hate
i never had to fight my way out
of a closet
Thank You Mom
and Dad
I love you