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small white square Way too little sleep last night, stayed up working on home-page transfer and couldn't fix annoying refresh problem. Shouldn't have bothered; just redid the file today and it worked fine first try. Get to bed at the right hour tonight!

small orange square The almost continuous cyber-loafing of the past several working days was interrupted today by the appearance of the lead with my code for review discussion. This session was essentially almost entirely helpful and logical; his always-possible pettiness not much of a factor today. Tomorrow should be a good working day effecting the new updates.

small cyan square Visit to the Neurologist; she thinks the lump I can feel under the back-right side of my neck is nothing. Mild relief; although I was naturally hoping for an alarmed diagnosis with surgery indicated, at the conclusion of which I'd have no more headaches. Ha.

small blue square Picked up the new, very chic Oliver Peoples glasses at "Prospectacles" in Stanford Center afterwards; will have take them back tomorrow since at that expense they should be perfect: for better beveling of the lenses. They do look sharp, however. Before, bought new (to me) old Peanuts book and a new blank logbook on University Ave in Palo Alto. I really like downtown PA, it's like Santa Monica without the ocean and hardly any homeless. Goal: move into one of those many nice apartment buildings in late summer.

small violet square Churchill quote of the day: "How little can we foresee the consequence either of wise or unwise action, of virtue or malice! Without this measureless and perpetual uncertainty, the drama of human life would be destroyed."

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