After work I was up to Los Altos to just pop in to the library for a California tax form. An hour
and a half later I was outside again, that interval being occupied with fun talking to a 23-year-old Euro
traveler, who asked me about a bus route map and one thing led to another. She's in the states until the
end of the month, is just back from Hawaii and would like to visit Arizona before heading down to San Diego
to catch her plane back to Switzerland (via Cincinnati). I agreed to post a "travel companion wanted" notice
to Usenet for her; perhaps she can connect with someone compatible in time, who's heading in that
direction. We'll probably see each other again before she leaves - hope so! She was neat.
At work these two guys from New Jersey are starting to get on my nerves.
They're in our office/trailer for several days to upgrade our LAN & etc, and they
seem quite competent. However, despite their friendliness and good natures, the
one is a raspy smoker who's all the time coughing, while the other is the
worst - ever singing, whistling atonally, finger-tapping, making oral noises while
sucking an endless stream of Tic Tacs - his is an avuncular, oblivious form of
nervousness which I find extremely distracting and annoying. As I write this he's just
two feet away; we're separated only by a flimsy cubical partition. In that slightly
quavery, poser voice young men use when they're emulating their rock heroes, he's singing
along with his Walkman as he performs some lengthy install. He was going to remove our
less-than-legitimate copy of PhotoShop and replace it with an Adobe package containing
Photoshop Lite; fortunately some smooth yet minimal comments from your man on-scene
convinced him to do otherwise.
Called my travel agent and arranged another long-weekend jaunt
up to Vancouver - I like it there! Plus I need just a few hundred
more frequent flyer miles to get a free ticket to Europe, a trip I
plan for the Fall. This Pacific Northwest return will occur in
three weeks.