Long phone chat with O this afternoon, precipitated by yesterday's
"Eraserhead" musings (we saw it together, and he tells me the artist I
mentioned is still a minor success in the DC art world). O is a man
with whom I have been having a continuous many-leveled conversation
since the early summer of 1974, when we drove his brother L's van to
a Maryland oceanside resort, supposedly to live there for the summer,
we three. Exterior forces caused that situation's almost immediate
deterioration: my total time resident was just five days (two of which
were spent working as a dishwasher in the back of a restaurant, with a
very peculiar boss); O didn't last much longer. (His job was digging
swimming pool holes.) I'd known him slightly for a decade, being my
classmate and best friend L's one-year-older brother, but we'd never
really connected until that trip, when, apropos of nothing,
about a half-hour away from our parents' suburban DC neighborhood he
asked: "So haw many years has it been?" ?? "Since you've been considering
suicide, of course." Not that such deep topics are typical of our
conversation (but nothing is off-limits, either with him or his brother
L)- point is, he and I can have no contact for years, but when we resume
conversation it's like there's been no interruption at all. We call each
other "Dude", said usage long predating the current youthful fashion, for
reasons now obscure. This site's nature is going to compel him to get
back on-line - he's been "off" for a couple years.
We didn't
discuss this today, but I've been recollecting one lazy summer afternoon
in 1981 we spent hanging out in the bad-neighborhood/industrial-loft/art-studio
where he was then making his residence (it was just off North Capitol Street).
I remember that I was reading A Generation Of Vipers by Phillip Wylie - just after
a small rock came sailing in through the open window, we heard the sounds
outside of some sort of a fracas - the scolding voice of a black woman kept
repeating "Don' you be hitting him in the face!" Curiosity roused, we peered
out but in the short interval between stimulus and reaction the people out
there had moved down the block and out of sight.
I wasted more time today finishing up the Illinois' guy's
"Brotherhood of the Terminal Loner"
site; and today I also got into his Utah compatriot's
Underground journal - not sure why I bother. He has some interesting
tales and good information
<1>, but she's pretty
bleak so far - lots of rock lyrics (whole songs!) and dream
recountings - I suppose I should tell a recent dream I had, here goes:
someone gave me a bunch of cuttings; later in the dream (after I'd planted
them) I noticed how strong their stems had become, how well they were doing.
It was no obvious type of plant I could identify, didn't even have flowers.
That's all I remember - pretty touchy-feely, especially for
me - very unexpectedly dull and out-of-character - mine are usually
intricate, complicated, emotionally wrenching adventures (I'll try to relate
one some other time). Also contrary to my usual experience with indoor
greenery - my acquisition of one is generally a slow, agonizing death
sentence for the plant, so I don't bother anymore; but sometimes I receive
them as gifts.