Saturday morning I was reading a book about Mecca. That big
block is the Kaaba, or Ka'ba; the building around it is the Sacred Mosque, and the
heavy black drapery covering it is the kiswa. It's hajj time now;
the radio advises of another killing stampede, in adjacent Mina last Thursday.
Today in a Borders Books I saw an unusual volume (at 30% off) called
All About Me by Phillipp Keel - a book-length "test", mostly
fill-in-the-blank but some yes/no. Here's ten of the former - instead
of reading my response, this time you do it - email
me your answers:
- A film you could watch over and over:
- A piece of clothing you love to wear:
- A monument you would like to have a view of from your bedroom:
- Your favorite time of day:
- Your favorite place to sit at home:
- Something important on your night table:
- You don't have a lot of:
- Death is:
- The animal that best describes you is:
- The farthest distance you have ever traveled to be with someone you desire:
One of my answers, to #6: my white-noise generator. I have a problem with
this book's state, ie if it's All About Me shouldn't the questions
also be in the first person? And what do you suppose the book's for? It's quite
extensive. One's own voyage of self-discovery? Or, upon completion, to give
to a (one hopes) interested party, the better to know you as you're too
inarticulate to discuss yourself so openly?
Another trans-bay sojourn this Satur-afternoon, to the fringe of Berkeley to inspect
the store called Real Goods there. I joined
to get the discount and a Solar Power book, and welcomed the news that they'll be
opening a branch in Palo Alto this Fall. On the way back I drove across Oakland,
taking surface streets and passing through that city's center for the first time,
and my immediate impression was to agree with
Gertrude Stein. <1>
This is how D's tape turned out, a solid hour of Frank: