Last entry I mentioned my family's lack of discussions... the central
subject, the bush being beaten around, is my sister K, about
whom I'm having one of my regular, neurotic anguish attacks.
Much background is required to bring the novice up to speed
on this issue; the central point is she was adopted by my parents,
who desired (and wanted to assure) female offspring
after having four boys naturally (I am the second). She
arrived when I was thirteen, after 8 weeks of post-birth
foster care. <1>
I called home yesterday and had a nice chat about her very earliest
days with my Mom, leaving the message asking that K call
back <2>.
Rather than the requested dialogue, instead I received this long,
rambling email, filled with a lot of her usual boilerplate. Twice
she says that she knows what my opinion is (about exactly what isn't
made clear) and as ever when she's speaking, the subject is only
herself. She'll talk, but she doesn't want to listen. I haven't
answered; she's become so defensive and hostile that anything
personal or serious I say is either denied or ignored. Still,
we pretend to get along - during my visit home I gave her some
more Lush bath bombs I
got in Vancouver. Yet, beneath the surface lies a tragic antagonism, which I
regret, remembering how splendid were our relations in the
past, and how they deteriorated along with her sweet nature.
The central issue is how over-protective my father is towards his
daughter, now thirty years old, unemployed and living at home. She's never
moved away from her parents, never lived with other people, and has
been "fired from every job she's had," according to one of my brothers'
wives. Since her Daddy insulates her from the natural consequences of
dealing with people, it's not easy for her to compromise.
When I was discussing compulsive liars previously,
I recognized K as the type who "exaggerates to tell a better story". In
fact I think she now lives partly in a fantasy world constructed
from the lies she tells (and believes herself). This fragile world is
propped up by the Patriarch, and it won't be upset (although that's what's
so desperately needed) until there's some change in his status. At some point
she'll become dependent on someone else. The possibilities are awful to contemplate.
My friend G says she represents my "shadow": that's a Jungian term for those things
we dislike in ourselves, but I think his idea was more complex. For my own
well-being I must detach - when I get too close I get upset. And when I (or
any of my brothers) get angry with her, the Patriarch always becomes involved
and turns the situation around so it's not her problem. The outsider is
frequently amazed at how we all ignore or tolerate (and in my Dad's case,
are oblivious to) her childish, "spoiled-brat" behavior <3>.
It makes family get-togethers a chore (with undercurrents of tension),
and depressing because I'd really like to be with her,
but her obnoxious, repellent manner drives me away. And she
could care less.