Came across a strange pencil at work today, a Skilcraft <1>
"Au Natural". The wood is unfinished - no paint, nothing - feels nice in the hand,
but a little strange in my mouth, where I frequently
park my pencil while working at a keyboard. No, I do
not gnaw on them like some - it goes in like a
but I fold my lips between the pencil and my
teeth. If a pencil has teeth marks I didn't put them
there! As a bonus the "Au Natural"s erasure was a pleasant
green rather than the common red.
Legs still aching from Saturday's hike, probably
made worse by treadmill running the next day - oh
well, it's "good pain". We didn't make it all the
way up to the ridge, and arrived back at the parking
lot with the sun almost setting. The forest was lush, and not many
people - some of those on horseback. For dinner we went to
Applewood Pizza, a small chain people like here but I
don't care for their thick sloppy pizza style.
Made a small donation to a new anti-Drug War organization, the
Coalition." <2>. I also
send the occasional check to the Drug Policy Foundation,
Today I ate nothing but crap - meat, starch and dairy. Only one kiwi in the morning, some cherries
and the carrot juice - not even a nana.
Why am I hitting the "Caps Lock" key by mistake, all the time, all of a sudden? It's making me nuts!