I pull back on the steering yoke, and the Cessna 152 II angles up, heading
directly into the sun. Ascent is fine, but whenever I try a descent, my
inner ear sends panicky signals to the brain and I start screaming and shout
"We're crashing!" and T resumes control. After months of training he's
received his license, and this is the first time he's taken me up, a
round-trip flight to Half Moon Bay, south of San Francisco - beautiful sunny
day, very photogenic. On the ground, at his home-base airstrip, I admired a
restored Stinson biplane, originally used as a training aircraft by the Army
Air Force at the start of WWII; and a four seat, for-sale Cessna from the
Fabulous Fifties - only $68,000. T's Cessna was smaller than those two, only
a two-seater with control surfaces which felt downright flimsy, but since you
can't fly it faster than about 200 knots the structure is adequate. Unlike
some, this first exposure to really flying hasn't smitten me, I won't be
taking on the expensive hobby of learning to fly (which was actually
an idle whim of mine a dozen years ago, but I never acted upon it and instead
dealt with that restless "what-should-I-do-now" feeling by moving to
Dinner afterwards at "il Davide", the Italian restaurant in San Raphael which T,
his wife and I favor, that's partially owned by D's brother. I had the Penne Con
Pollo Affumicato - delicious, like everything we've ever had there. This time we
were seated back in the corner, surrounded by photos of Florence, one of which was
the Duomo there, which prompted my telling of the following anecdote.
My first trip to Europe occurred in 1977 - it was my longest and most extensive
so far; I was abroad for two months and traveled between Wales and Greece. Shortly
after I arrived, I linked up with L in Germany, where his older sister had been living
for a year. She was winding down her stay with some final travels - L and I met up
with her in Venice. Then we went to Florence, where we discovered the quite famous
and appealing central cathedral with its huge orange dome: el Duomo. (L's sister was
traveling with her boyfriend, a guy named Wayne whom she eventually married - I
called him el Dwayne-o.) L had acquired a large switchblade in Germany with a
handle made of deer antler - for expressive punctuation during conversation he'd
produce this knife, look tough and touch the stud which popped open the blade. One
evening, we were inside el
Duomo, checking it out. He and I paused to rest, sitting in a pew. It was almost
Easter and a service of some kind was being held off somewhere within that
vast space, and there was an ambient, musical, religious background sound - vespers,
or a choir, or monks chanting - it was hard to describe, but quite apparent. As we
talked, sitting there, L pulled out this knife, as had become his custom, held it
up alongside his head, and snapped it open - and the sound stopped - the abrupt
silence was shocking. Had God been watching us?
Today I endured one the common summertime street fairs they have in California
towns, where the main drag is closed off and filled with food stalls and the
booths of crafts sellers. It's fun the first time, but after a few the sun,
the crowds and the grilling smoke combine to make the scene oppressive. However,
a well-timed phone call to KFJC yesterday meant I had a free ticket waiting at
the Stanford Theater, so I braved the Palo Alto "Festival of the Arts" to see
Pip, Estella and Miss Havisham in the 1946 "Great Expectations". (That
was Alec Guiness? Obi-wan Kenobi as a Very Young Man.)
At work, getting on-base has become tedious - weird signage has
appeared at all the guard-shack/entry points:
At the direction of NASA Headquarters, Ames Research Center will assume
Threat Condition (THREATCON) Bravo. These precautionary measures are being
taken in response to the actions taken on Thursday, August 20,1998 in Sudan
and Afghanistan. While no specific threats have been made against Ames
Research Center or Moffett Federal Airfield facilities or personnel, the
U.S. Government has ordered a heightened state of alert at all U.S.
facilities throughout the world.
- from an email broadcast center-wide.
Late last night, finally, at home and bathing, the radio is describing the
effect of the heightened security measures. Many interviews with tourists in
Washington DC happy about seeing more police - I'm sure somebody they pointed
a microphone at complained that terrorism was being used as an excuse to tighten
things up, but naturally such subversive, dissenting voices weren't given
airplay. They've installed a double ring of Jersey barriers around the Washington
Monument - the national phallic symbol must be protected from those hordes of
suicide bombers! An interesting fact about the monument is that it's the
tallest freestanding masonry tower in the world. In other words, it's just a
stack of blocks - no iron skeleton gives it internal support, like skyscrapers
have. And how tall is it? As a DC native, who was taught this trivia in
elementary school, I can reply without hesitation: 555 feet. The tippy-top
is a small pyramid of solid aluminum - a very precious metal at the time it
was installed. Unlike many, I know what the inside stairway is like - it's
been closed for a long time , all must use the small elevator. But way back
when (late 60's), there was a brief period of time when my older brother H
and his chums were getting their athletic jollies by driving downtown and
running up those stairs - and once they let me tag along. Set in to the
interior walls are all manner of stone gifts from other states - chiseled
mementos with dates from long ago. Somebody had a heart attack walking up,
so for a while you could only walk down, then due to vandalism they closed
the steps completely, except to the rare VIP tour.
Y2K Spotlight:
... American and British officials are now worried about how
Japan, Germany and especially France see Y2K as an "Anglo-Saxon obsession".
The most cynical NATO governments (but not their major
multinational corporations) see the issue as an attempt to distract Europe
from meeting the computer modernisation challenge involved in the conversion
to the new single European currency.
from an article by Gerald Segal in the "Straits Times"
(Singapore's big daily newspaper) dated August 10.