My pinhead of a resident manager is in the newly vacant, adjacent apartment
using a belt sander at 9:30 PM. I confronted him to complain, and said he
was being rude <1>,
to no avail - he said with enthusiasm that he "could work all night", that
he "has to do this now so he can paint tomorrow" - what's the rush? His
family owns the building, yet getting maximum occupancy is their Prime
Directive. The only reason is the landlord's typical greed. (During the
Chinese Revolution landlords were among the first to go.) He's a
self-important "Christian" of the worst, most hypocritical stripe - I've
heard him declare with zero doubt that his god has promised him a place
in heaven. It's impossible for him to understand the unpleasant effect
he has on others (or he tunes out deliberately). How I hate him, when
he pulls stunts like this - but he's fine otherwise.
Say, did you hear about the NY Times article about the CMU study claiming
that being online bummed people out? That's the headline
anyway - today's Salon gave
some details,
bringing to mind my Dad's slogan that "Figures
don't lie, but liars sure can figure!"
The study attempts to find subtle gradations on
the basis of the kind of "How
are you feeling today on a scale of one to five?"
quizzes that psychologists like to use to measure
people's moods -- and anyone who's ever taken
one of those tests knows it's hardly an exact
science. The researchers only tested people twice,
at the start and the end of the two-year study --
which doesn't provide a very wide set of data
points to offset the impact of other factors (time
of year, state of the economy, random personal crises).
Beyond these statistical issues, there's a deeper
problem with the study's basic setup. The
researchers chose to limit their subjects to people
who hadn't been online before, because they
wanted to perform a "before and after" kind of
study that would help them isolate the specific
effect of Net use on individual psyches. So the
participants in the study weren't people who
simply chose to get online because they had some
motivation to do so; they were people who got
free computers and Internet access so they could
be studied.
One obvious problem is that the
researchers have no idea whether their subjects
got bummed out because of what they
encountered on the Net, or simply because they
wound up sitting in front of a computer monitor
rather than working in their gardens or playing
ball. Is the increase in "loneliness and depression"
caused by the Internet itself or simply by
computer use, regardless of whether the modem's
on? The study can't say.
By far the biggest flaw in the HomeNet research,
however, is the way it lumps all Internet usage
into one big heap. Using the Net to organize a
charity drive or a political campaign is a different
experience from using it to stare at pornography
(as if anyone would do the latter with a bunch of
psychologists watching). Building your own Web
site is different from pounding on a search engine
hunting down some obscure fact. There is no
uniform "Internet experience"...
Today I spent over an hour in the dental Chair of Agony - not bad drilling, but the
prep for my newest crown, my third. Now I'm getting used to the temporary crown
installed today. The worst part of this procedure is the goop they shove into your
mouth to make the requisite molds - the dentist lingo for this is "taking an
impression." In a different field, forensics, the term is moulage. (This
visit to the dentist, and the next, were scheduled to avoid the hygienist.)
Big environmental changes coming at work - within the month we'll be moving from our
plush trailer complex back into the building from whence this project came, before I
came on board. The building's been renovated and de-asbestosed - today I inspected it,
and saw the office I'll share with my co-worker/supervisor. It'll be okay, perhaps
half the size of the trailer we're in now. Two doors, but no window.
Sobering news from Nova Scotia; a Swissair plane is the last you'd expect to have trouble.
And today I finalized my holiday trip Back East; both flights will involve plane changes at
DFW, so this along with my upcoming Euro-jaunt <2>
with its Chicago plane changes means I'm looking at eight flights in the next
few months...