Now I'm thinking President Bubba better resign. He's
lost his commanding respect and authority, so he should
get out of the way. (Shame Hillary can't assume power.)
Internationally, the affair is making the US look
ridiculous. Though dull, Al Gore is smart, and being the
incumbent he'll guarantee a Republican loss in the Y2K
election (that is, if civilization persists through the
turnover). The polls reflect what's been reported all
along - about 60% express approval and think Clinton's
doing fine, vs 30% who can't stand the man and think
he should get out. I imagine these numbers (at least
the 30%) can mapped to Republican party affiliation,
with some consistency.
Heard Larry Josephson interviewing Studs Terkel the other night. Studs was
talking about his political stance, which he labels "Radical Conservative".
Conservative in the sense that he wants to conserve the Bill of Rights, the
First Amendment, clean air and clean water... As for Liberal, he emphasized
the definition of the word, and how can you not be Liberal? Liberal means
generous - you mean you're a skinflint? A tightwad? Liberal also means being
tolerant and broad-minded - you mean you're not? You're an intolerant
pinhead, like a redneck? He was showing how the words have been corrupted,
and lost their meaning. These definitions illustrate what makes the
Christian Right (or the Wreligious Wrong) so hypocritical - their uptight
selfishness is at odds with Jesus' teachings.
a real cheesehead. The link's a collection of the bombast
from his newsgroup postings - he's kind of a humorless
Ignatious <1>
of Usenet. Someone's reaction to this site on la.eats,
where I first became aware of the guy in a discussion of "French
Press" coffee-makers, was "That page is a window into one of the
saddest lives I can imagine."
Felt very isolated, alienated and desolate upon waking this morning;
slight, steady mood improvement as the day wore on. One cause: initiation
of friendly phone calls is much reduced recently, especially at
work - since I can now be overheard I dislike making them. After the
office move (which happens in ten days) that environmental dynamic will
change, but it's doubtful to be an improvement. Speaking of the office,
the new inhabitant which I complained about previously
has turned out to be quite pleasant. As has so often occurred with me, I
eventually enjoy the company of people I initially dislike.
Just takes a while for their true charms to be revealed.