Here's my more-detailed reaction to the new Joni Mitchell record,
"Taming The Tiger". The title song's the most memorable tune - it
incorporates Blake's
Tiger! Tiger! Burning Bright
In the forests of the night
(rather like she did with Yeats' "Things Fall Apart..." on "Night
Ride Home") and also the word "Boring!" like it's sung out these
days. Overall her vocalizations are "jazzy" in a way we haven't
heard since 1979's "Mingus". That's my least favorite record,
hence I don't really care for this new one either - I like the
folk/rock/experimental Joni most. Up until (and including)
1976's "Hejira" (which is among her very best, in my opinion)
almost every song on a record was great; since that one
she's made great songs, but not great albums. I always buy the
new one anyway, just to hear her latest.
What I'm really listening to today is New Order: "Bizarre Love
Triangle" (that great late-80's Modern Rock anthem) and their more
recent "Republic" album, featuring "Regret".
I was in the bank today buying American Express travelers checks, one of those
traditional chores before an international trip. I tried to resist this time
since I'm going to attempt funding as I go via the method which allegedly gives
the best exchange rate: augmenting credit-card charges whenever possible with
cash withdrawals in the local currency from ATMs with my debit card. Advice
claims this is easy in Germany, but since I haven't tried it yet (I never use
other than my own bank's ATMs) I remain dubious, especially overseas. If it
doesn't work I'll be prepared, and besides: the old travel motto is to "take
twice the cash and half the clothing".
Y2K Spotlight
From an article today on c|net's news.com site:
Based on research conducted by [technology consulting firm]
Gartner, 30% - 50% of
all companies world wide will
experience at least one mission critical failure due to
the Year 2000 technology problem. About 15
percent of U.S. companies will experience at least
one mission critical failure and 10 percent of
mission critical failures will last three days, Lou
Marcoccio, a research director at the firm, told the
[Senate Special Committee on the
Year 2000 Technology Problem] committee.
Are you snickering at the bogosity of these
generalized figures like I am? The page by the U.S.
Senate has this weird animated GIF:
(I made its background transparent.)
While I'm throwing out links, check this class test in today's "Suck" - made me laugh!