Observed in a Usenet post:
"Mass media thrives by humorizing hypocrisy"
We have four visitors ("suits") from back east hanging around the office today and
tomorrow, many of them described before. Since
they're on Eastern Time they all went off to the cafeteria early, and to avoid them
I was forced to seek lunch-time nourishment off-base. Therefore I caught
almost an hour of Ken Starr's testimony, on the radio while driving (down to the
New Tung Kee in Santa Clara). What an incredible prick he is - have you heard him
speak? I can't understand why nobody's hurled Molotov cocktails through the
windows of his house <1>
in McLean (a suburban location in the most desirable
area of Fairfax County, across the Potomac from Washington DC). His pure,
guiltless "butter-can't-melt-in-my-mouth" speaking style is such an invitation
for severe beatings! If you think he's a "good guy", read
this. Still not convinced? Try
We finally have some connectivity in our new office - the Sun
workstations are now on-line, but the Compaq computers running Windows are
still isolated - and they're the platform I prefer for my web-browsing.
In the office plan I put my desk right by and facing the door, which has
a huge window but we've had to block the door open anyway, since they
haven't turned on the ventilation system yet (which means our small room
heats up when our hardware is activated, even though it's cold outside).
This setup means it's easy to get into conversations with people passing
by in the hallway, a situation I don't mind, in fact hoped to encourage
by this furniture placement. (A surprising statement to those who consider
me anti-social.) Over the past week my relations have deepened with a key
figure on the project (who's buying a new car) - previously we had very
little to say to each other. So the move's showing some positive change.
Very sad losing the window view, however - not that I'm much for idle
staring, but I like being in touch with conditions in the outside
world - now it's always a shock when I leave: sky color, how dark,
meteorological conditions, etc.