A couple complaints:
- Got this funny ache just below my spinal column,
ie my butt hurts, just like somebody kicked my ass!
Yet I've had no trauma to that area recently.
- My office-mate is getting on my nerves - he's making
more noises and rhetorical comments while working. This
was okay in our old space, where we had over twenty
feet between us, but now that this distance has been
reduced to six feet, I can hear him. And I'd rather
not. Also he's having troubles with his live-in
girlfriend, highlights of which he's compelled to
share each morning - I'd rather not hear those, either.
And a sigh of relief - the pulmonologist's office
called, he's adding another inhaler-drug (Serevent) to my
asthma-combat regimen, but my chest X-ray is normal in
all aspects.
Had a dream involving a very specific object - a fat rubber band from
Peets. By fat I mean
extra wide, like over an inch (in its dormant state) and inked onto it is
"Peets" and some of their trademark primitive imagery, like they print on
their paper coffee cups. Once they had a bowl of these rubber bands on the
counter and I took one and it's been floating around my space being useful
ever since. (Its days are numbered, however - examining it just now I notice
a small, longitudinal slit - eventually the cut will grow.) Anyway,
in my dream I remember handing this jumbo rubber band to somebody. That
is all.
Y2K Spotlight
Joel Achebbach, Washington Post columnist and author of
Why Things Are, holds forth about Y2K in a front-page
in that paper. He repeats this factoid, a bit of
reassuring happy news I've heard before which
doesn't quite makes sense to me:
"The Federal Reserve has
already taken steps to put an extra $50 billion
into the banking system in anticipation of people
withdrawing cash from their accounts."
Remember George Bailey explaining why he can't refund
everybody's money in "It's A Wonderful Life"? When your
bank pays out what cash they have on hand, what isn't
invested elsewhere; and their store of cash is then
exhausted, so what if the Treasury is printing extra money?
Unless this "putting into" of $50 billion is going
to be gifts to the banks. (Hah!) When I consider any
post-whatever scenario that's major disruption, I
hear O's petulant exclamation of "It doesn't sound
like fun!" (He said this as I extrapolated the
details of a possibly bleak future once.) Personally
I'm overwhelmed and in denial - an assessment/reaction
of Y2K prep I read somewhere was something to the
effect of "if you didn't start
preparing for this thing during the Reagan
administration then you're already screwed."
Did on Memorial Day weekend in 1974, however.
Just over the hill from the abandoned
quarry whereout we hung, a rope dangled from
a tall tree over a creek, the ground sloping away
beneath it, down to water level. This rope was
used strictly for swinging - this was no
swimming hole, rather a shallow babbling
brook with big pools and many large rocks.
The rope was slippery (sweaty people had
been handling it all day, thanks for
telling me...) no matter what excuse, I did
not arc out, and then back but instead
sailed tangentially off the end of the rope,
parallel to the slope and landing in knee-deep
water. Although I didn't hit any of the rocks, I
think my butt did impact one, underwater (right
where it hurts now). I just sat there, immersed
& helpless until T located my glasses in the
waters nearby. It hurt afterwards, but not much
nor for long - I was just twenty years
old, when one needs only minimal rebound time
from that sort of thing. Perhaps this current
pain is a result of that ancient injury?
Although isn't this what inflation's all about, Mr. Greenspan?