Yesterday, late afternoon I was in Palo Alto where I found the
appropriate gift for my new nephew and niece, my brother J's twins. Their
list included "board books", among the shelves
of these at Borders I found two similar candidates by Keith Haring - the
twins should find his bright colors appealing. Escaping from the bookstore's
crowds and continually-ringing telephones, I hurried down University
Avenue to join the queue shivering <1>
in front of the "Stanford". In just a few minutes this fine old restored
cinema's doors were unlocked, and we filed in for the first of today's
classic double feature. The other film was "Miracle on
34th Street", which I've never seen, and now have a bit
of sport avoiding. Instead I watched "The Shop Around the Corner",
which I found to be a pleasant diversion. Like "The Philadelphia Story",
this is one of these pictures starring a Jimmy Stewart so young he looks
weird to me - the guy's just too tall & skinny to be a leading man. I
found the faux-Budapest (created on Culver City soundstages) believable,
and the characters all very entertaining.
Popped in to the comic shop and, like so many of these past weeks,
found nothing new worth buying. Did stand around reading the latest
issue of this thing Charles Burns does called "Black Hole". Its book-length
story is called "Windowpane" <2>
and it details a young man's acid trip. Walking around at night he sees
strange things - some hallucinations, but the severed human arm
lying in the path through the woods is real. I put the comic book
back on the shelf then - I think Burns is really creepy, although
his style is interesting. As a rule his pictures are better than the
story behind them.
I'm packing now - the manifest is much reduced from
pre-Europe, just the bare necessities and
gifts. As is my holiday custom, "A Charlie Brown
Christmas" is playing (the soundtrack by Vince Guaraldi).
It's one of the first digital disks I ever
bought, and I play it over & over this time of year.
Tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock I'll lock my door and walk down
the stairs to street level, where I'll turn towards downtown
Mountain View. Hitching up my backpack, heavy with gifts, I'll
plod through the morning freezy to the CalTrain station, where
I'll catch an express. Leaving the train at the Millbrae station,
I'll follow everybody around the corner to the shuttle bus, which
will take us over to SFO. It'll still be dark then, but by the
time my DFW-bound American Airlines "Super 80" takes off the
sun will have risen. In Texas a similar aircraft will convey me
on to the nation's capital, where I'll be for a week. I hope
to post at least one remote entry during this 1998 Back East
Like many of my fellow travelers I'll be journeying voluntarily
to an emotional family/holiday turmoil, paying big bucks and
enduring hardships for the privilege. Yesterday I put together
a long ranting paragraph about my brother H but deleted it since
I realized that, after venting/writing, I didn't feel that way
any more. Talking with him this morning helped to dissipate the
angry cloud of irritation which had formed as I listened to his
phone message the day before. Like everybody else he's just
looking forward to some pleasant distraction.