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- The Kangaroot
oscitate (oss'-it-tate) v.
to yawn or gape from drowsiness. [from Latin oscitare
"to open (like a mouth.)"]

Mad Hot Ballroom :)
They'll be embarrassed
when they grow up, but at least
they'll know how to dance.
Planets Without Intelligent Life
And The Winners Are... |

time to announce the winners of the Fluxx
Buxx Contest! Here they are!
- First Place: Chris
Ballowe! I think of Chris mostly as a Cosmic
Coasters enthusiast, but he's a obviously a fan of all our
games; here we see him demoing Early
American Chrononauts at Origins
year. Congratulations, Chris! You've set the record, by playing
Fluxx with 94 people in one month!
- Second Place: Amy
LoCurto! Amy is the teacher rabbit who got her class
to write a bunch of stories using Nanofictionary
cards, which she sent to us last
fall. Amy played Fluxx with 73 people last month! Way to
go, Amy!
- Third Place: Ralph
Nelson! Sasquatch has been a fan since our earliest Icehouse
demo days and helped us run a Little
Experiment at the most recent Dragon*Con.
He came in 3rd with 54 names on his forms! Congrats, Dude!
- 10 Runner-Up EcoFluxx Deck Winners: The ten next most
successful Fluxx-playing Rabbits were: Marc
Hartstein, Eric
Zuckerman, David
Bon, Lorin
Grieve, Diane
Sudduth, Wayne Young, Ryan
Hackel, Sheri
Rockhill, Patrick
Rockhill, and Amanda
Bouffier. Well done, y'all!
- 10 Randomly-Selected EcoFluxx Deck Winners: The following
Rabbits may not have played Fluxx with very many people in September
(a couple of these Rabbits won just for telling us about 1 game!)
but they win a Free EcoFluxx deck anyway! Congratulations and
thanks for playing to: Robert
Foose, Julie
Doble, Daniel
Johnson, Walter
Moore, Michael
Kolodner, Christopher
Jordan Sam, Rachel
Keslensky, David
Tyberg, and Seth
So there you have it! If you are one of the lucky winners
listed above, we'll be sending an EcoFluxx
out to you as soon as we get around to it (with a check for prize
money for the lucky top 3 players). To speed this process up,
please log in to SuperFRED and tell him where you want your prize
mailed, by placing an order for a free
copy of EcoFluxx and mentioning this page in the comment
area. Thanks for helping out!
Thanks to everyone who competed! Russell
will be awarding all competitors their 5 Rabbit points as soon
as he gets a chance. |
for reading, have a great week, and Don't Forget to Play! |
"As none of us had played EcoFluxx before,
surprises abounded as we were able to compost the deck, frogs
went extinct, dirt became polluted, and insects became poisonous.
We were only able to play one game before I had to move to another
table, but I know at least one player bought the game from one
of the vendors at their earliest opportunity."
-- Seth
Ruskin's UberCon Rabbit Report |