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Detroit Rock City :)
Four friends go searching
for a heart, some brains, courage,
and a little Kiss.

Memo To Your Future Self
"My older sister met the creators somewhere and brought
the game when she came to visit, I left my copy home in Michigan
when I joined the Army but there was a game store in the mall
for Christmas and they happened to have Fluxx, now all my friends
want copies and every time I go into any store that sells any
type of game I ask if they have Fluxx and since they all say
no, I tell them they need to look into it."
-- Troy P. of Fort Richardson, AK
Welcome Luisa! (Finally!!!) |

hard to believe how fast time flies. It's been almost a whole
year now since I
first mentioned on this website that we were interested in
hiring a girl from Greenbelt named Luisa.
I call her a girl from Greenbelt (which for those who aren't
local is the suburb next to us) but really she's from Mexico.
She's been living here for almost 11 years now, on various student
visas, and she's long been a close friend of many of the people
in our social circles, so it's easy to think of her as a local
herself, when in fact she's a foreign national.
We think Luisa is an extremely good fit for our team and we've
been eager to put her on our payroll, but since it wasn't legal
for us to do so, we've had to spend a lot of time jumping through
all sorts of crazy hoops. I won't bore you with the many sad
and frustrating details, a saga of talking to different lawyers,
just missing government deadlines, and ultimately needing to
travel back to Mexico to petition for re-entry at the American
Embassy, so that she could come here and take this job with us.
But the long and short of it is, she's successfully been given
official government permission to work for us! Here she is, showing
off her fancy new visa!
And why is Luisa so uniquely qualified for this job as to
make us file formal paperwork to request permission to hire her?
Well, she's got an impressive knowledge-base on environmental
issues (she's been in school a long time, remember) and as such
we've hired her to head the EcoFluxx
foundation. We are making donations from the proceeds of
our game EcoFluxx
and want her to do research on environmental NGOs to see which
projects will get the most bang from our buck. She will also
be in charge of the contents of the web page dedicated to the
EcoFluxx foundation. This page will have information on the game
as well as information on environmentally sustainable living.
We hope to spread memes of sustainability through our website
and through playing EcoFluxx. Luisa will also help with the greening
of Looney Labs (reduce,
reuse, recycle) and with day to day operations, including sales
and other random duties.
So, it's been a long strange year, trying to be allowed to
hire a long-time friend who lives in the neighborhood, but we've
finally gotten our papers in order! So welcome aboard Luisa!
In other news, we're mostly just going crazy right now, getting
ready for Origins,
which is next week. Which reminds me, this webpage will not be
updated next week!
a great week, and hopefully we'll see you at Origins! |
I've been learning all sorts of fascinating things today from
the aptly-named DamnInteresting
website, including:
- Nuclear reactions have occurred naturally!
(At least once, in Africa, long ago, when radioactive half-lives
were longer)
- An early atomic bomb "putter-togetherer"
died in 1947 because they were testing chunks of radioactive
material at near-critical levels by holding them apart with a
screwdriver, and he slipped
- There's a movement to demolish the Georgia
Guidestones, a strange, anonymously constructed monument
built on public land in 1980
- The Russians spent decades trying to drill
a hole so deep they'd break through the crust and into the
mantle (but they never quite made it)
- In India, most people who report Near
Death Experiences say they were returned to Earth because
of a bureaucratic mistake, such as having the same name as the
person whom Yamraj (the Hindu God of Death) was actually expecting
"So, say 'yes.' In fact, say 'yes' as often as you can.
When I was starting out in Chicago, doing improvisational theatre
with Second City and other places, there was really only one
rule I was taught about improv. That was, 'yes-and.' In this
case, 'yes-and' is a verb. To 'yes-and.' I yes-and, you yes-and,
he, she or it yes-ands. And yes-anding means that when you go
onstage to improvise a scene with no script, you have no idea
what's going to happen, maybe with someone you've never met before.
To build a scene, you have to accept. To build anything onstage,
you have to accept what the other improviser initiates on stage.
They say you're doctors -- you're doctors. And then, you add
to that: We're doctors and we're trapped in an ice cave. That's
the '-and.' And then hopefully they 'yes-and' you back. You have
to keep your eyes open when you do this. You have to be aware
of what the other performer is offering you, so that you can
agree and add to it. And through these agreements, you can improvise
a scene or a one-act play. And because, by following each other's
lead, neither of you are really in control. It's more of a mutual
discovery than a solo adventure. What happens in a scene is often
as much a surprise to you as it is to the audience. Well, you
are about to start the greatest improvisation of all. With no
script. No idea what's going to happen, often with people and
places you have never seen before. And you are not in control.
So say 'yes.' And if you're lucky, you'll find people who will
say 'yes' back." -- Stephen Colbert, Knox College 2006 Commencement
Address, June 3, 2006 |
"Americans still live in one of the few countries that
kill people to make clear what a terrible thing killing people
is. Hardly any other civilized place does this anymore. In the
past three decades, the number of nations that have abolished
the death penalty has risen from 16 to 86. Last year four countries
accounted for nearly all executions worldwide: China, Iran, Saudi
Arabia and the United States. As my Irish grandmother used to
say, you're known by the company you keep."
-- Anna Quindlen, "The
Failed Experiment" |