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Ray :)
Too bad Ray Charles died
before he could see his own...
Never mind. Bad joke.

"Across the entire weekend I managed to give out 44 Fruit
cards, and about a half-dozen each of Palm and Pine. Perhaps
I played 200 games of Treehouse? One mark of an excellent game
is being able to play something like 200 games across 4 days
and not end up having a violent aversion to ever playing that
game again. In fact, I'd not been planning to attend GenCon but
I had SO much fun at Origins that I'm trying to work out my schedule
to go to Indy next month!" -- Diane
Sudduth's Origins Rabbit Report
Birthday Canoe Trip |

week marked Kristin's Birthday, and we celebrated by inviting
a bunch of friends out for a canoe trip! There's a company in
our area called River
& Trail Outfitters, which facilitates local adventures
along the C&O
Canal and the rivers that flow nearby. Their services include
renting canoes, dropping groups off at one point along the river,
and picking them up downstream at the end of the day. They made
it very easy for us to organize a trip, so on Sunday afternoon,
10 of Kristin's friends got into little boats with her, and together
we all paddled about 7 miles along the Shenandoah River near
Harper's Ferry.
We had a fabulous time. The weather was just about perfect
(although it did rain a little bit for a couple of minutes) and
while it was only a half-day trip on the easiest category of
river, the trip was just the right level of challenge for our
tastes. It was jolly good fun!
& Alison
were in the first canoe, with the others being crewed by myself
& Greg, Gina
& John, Melanie & Suzete,
& Andrew (it was Luisa's birthday, too!) and since we ended
up with an odd-sized number of [odd] people, the final boat was
a Kayak, captained by TV Tom. Here you see our entire group,
posing together on a cluster of rocks we "discovered"
in the river and paused at for a break.
Gina describes the canoe trip in the GinohnNews
this week, so I'm going point you over there for more details
and otherwise just let these photos speak for themselves. (Each
is worth 1000 words, after all.) I should also point out that
most of these photos were taken by Gina (both of my cameras are
currently broken) so you can click on them to see bigger versions.
(Are higher resolution photos worth the same number of words
as their low-rez counter-parts?)
for reading, and have a great week! |
Our goal of getting rabbits
to multiply appears to be extending its influence into the natural
world surrounding our house. We've been living here for almost
2 decades, and for the first time I'm seeing feral bunnies running
around in our front yard! |
"Social isolation has many well-documented side effects.
Kids fail to thrive. Crime rises. Politics coarsens. Generosity
shrivels. Death comes sooner (social isolation is as big a risk
factor for premature death as smoking). Well-connected people
live longer, happier lives, even if they have to forgo a new
Lexus to spend time with friends." -- Robert
Putnam, "You
Gotta Have Friends: A study finds that Americans are getting
lonelier" |
"Twenty-two of the 36 volunteers reported having a 'complete'
mystical experience, compared to four of those getting methylphenidate.
That experience included such things as a sense of pure awareness
and a merging with ultimate reality, a transcendence of time
and space, a feeling of sacredness or awe, and deeply felt positive
mood like joy, peace and love. People say 'they can't possibly
put it into words,' Griffiths said. Two months later, 24 of the
participants filled out a questionnaire. Two-thirds called their
reaction to psilocybin one of the five top most meaningful experiences
of their lives. On another measure, one-third called it the most
spiritually significant experience of their lives, with another
40% ranking it in the top five." -- Malcolm
Ritter, "Mushroom
Drug Produces Mystical Experience" |