So I heard on the news that the reptilian Newt Gingrich
once again has attacked "drugs" - his Joe McCarthy-style
statistic du jour: teen drug use is up 70% over the last
5 years. Naturally he blames this entirely on the President,
and his less-frequent-than-his-Republican-predecessors
grandstanding & posturing on this issue. Of course the
dynamic Newtster has the ready solution: more of the same
tired War-on-Drug-users solutions. Increased pressure
to make the work-place drug free (what possible impact
can that have on children?) and an increase in anti-drug
propaganda (oh pardon me, Drug 'Education'). Will the
people never rise up to strip this pompous Bozo and
drag him naked through the streets? Only in my dream.
Despite this lingering sore throat pain, I'm in
remarkably good spirits. Early morning PhotoShop session
at work didn't net the desired results, so I went back
in & got it right. A repeat of the freakish program delete
on my Monorail
<1> this
morning, a more geekish type might
be crawling the walls & pulling out hairs at this behavior,
but I find it rather amusing. Of course it's affected only
the most trivial programs, I lost Solitaire but did I
really need it? Playing that game on a PC seems beyond
ridiculous to me [memory flash on the first time I saw
it, on-screen in a trailer Comm Station HQ at Fort Hood in
1991, the bored soldier languidly moving his mouse - your
tax dollars at work!] Anyway, wondering if
this sore throat is the flu, and I'm in such
good shape physically & mentally this is as bad as it'll
get. Time will tell.
Another Dim Sum breakfast
at Ranch 99, boy that stuff is good. I'm very timid, always get the same
thing: order of Sesame Balls (3), order of these shrimp things (4), and
another order of 4 somethings - I initially thought they were of shark
fin but now I'm not so sure. Price: under $5. The sound system was improved from last week,
but still annoying. Late lunch at Sushi House in Town & Country
(open NoCal shopping center chain) in Palo Alto, was there to buy a
knee chair <2>
(in which I now sit) at some 'Back' store, but they no have. Sharper
Image at Stanford Shopping Center didn't either, but a guy there said
try Office Depot (and one of those is quite near my apartment)
and sho' nuff, there it was. Made in Canada, too. I peeled off the
Maple Leaf sticker & affixed it to a silly little "Warning!" plate on
the Monorail's keyboard.