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- Why Would the Titanic Cause the Stock Market Crash?
Sitting with Skip on the back
of an open, mostly empty, moving van. I'm drinking seltzer water
from a glass. "I imagine that they're probably good for
each other," says Skip. "They -- they have a shared
mell (mell) n. honey
- Shanghai Knights :|
Chinese treasure - check.
Fights - check. Gags - check. Slapstick - check.
No more sequels, right?
Against Prohibition
Feel Powerless

College Roomies From Hell
"Fluxx Version 3.0 adds welcome variety to the classic
game, while maintaining its wackiness. If you haven't picked
up a copy yet, you owe it your yourself to 'Buy 1, Play 1.'" -- Jason Winter, Scrye magazine


Stuff Happens |
there's so much to talk about. Last week, Alison went to Hawaii
for Steph's
wedding; meanwhile, I went with Kristin and Marlene to Las
Vegas for the GAMA Trade Show. By the time we all got back, our
nation was at war. Being as we are a bunch of hippies who oppose
war, this is a major bummer for us. It's enough to make us consider
moving to Canada. Anyway, since getting home we've all been busy
getting caught up on our email, recovering from our traditional
post-trade-show headcolds, and watching war news.
Lots of stuff happened at GTS that I would write about here
if I had more time... but as it is, I'm not even going to bother
putting up yet another photo of our standard trade show booth.
(It looked just like it did at Toy
Fair.) Instead, here's a photo Alison took of Steph with
her new husband Paul just after they got hitched. Congratulations,
you two! Have a great life together!
One topic that can't wait is the radio marketing campaign
we're trying out this month. All-Star Radio Network is a company
that runs a promotion called "Contest-in-a-Can," and
what they do is to gather up cool stuff from companies that want
exposure, and then provide said stuff to a bunch of radio stations
that need cool stuff to give away to their listeners as prizes
(you know, for "the 15th caller!" or whoever). Since
we believe in experimenting with different marketing concepts,
we're giving this a try. Sometime during the next month, over
300 radio stations around the country will be giving copies away
of our 4 card games to their listeners. And you never know who
you might hear on the air... already I have been called by one
of these stations, and interviewed on the air during a morning
drive-time radio show, somewhere in Michigan! (And I think I
sounded OK, too!) Check the listing
to see if a station near you is participating!
As for Alison's
adventures in Hawaii, she's working on her own report.
Peace, |


Medical marijuana has been legalized
in Holland, which means that if your doctor prescribes it, you
can get it at the pharmacy and your insurance will pay for it! |
"How do these
two standpoints, often shared by the same person, line up?
How can they co-exist rationally? How can one be pro-life in
the case of a fetus but pro-death in the case of military aggression?
I'd really like to know your insights. I'm having a hard time
wrapping my head around this." -- The Jude
(aka smurfchick) |
"Have you forgotten we wouldn't
even have this country known as America if it weren't for the
French? That it was their help in the Revolutionary War that
won it for us? That our greatest thinkers and founding fathers
-- Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, etc. -- spent many years in
Paris where they refined the concepts that lead to our Declaration
of Independence and our Constitution? That it was France who
gave us our Statue of Liberty, a Frenchman who built the Chevrolet,
and a pair of French brothers who invented the movies? And now
they are doing what only a good friend can do -- tell you the
truth about yourself, straight, no b.s. Quit pissing on the French
and thank them for getting it right for once."
-- A Letter from Michael
Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War |