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- Shouldn't that be "Explorer I becomes first satellite"
on 1957'?
Walking with Gina, Joey, and the
dogs - Booda, Trixie, and Sandy - on the fence path in the woods.
Gina says, "Yeah, food tastes better when you have to work
for it though."
(kak-uh-stock'-ruh-see) n. government by the
worst people. from Greek kakistos worst, superlative of
kakos bad + cratos rule, sway, authority.
- Orgazmo :|
Weird Al Yankovic
says it is "some of their best
pre-BASEketball work."
Flowing Hair Club for Scientists
Democracy Failed

Orange Tango
"Stumbled across FLUXX in a hobby shop in NJ during a
holiday trip. My husband and I are addicted to FLUXX and try
to play daily (best 2 out of 3). We're really excited about version
3.0." -- comments accompanying an order
from Tonya Z. of Dublin, CA


Spring is Here! |
few weeks ago, I said we were waiting
for spring, and for lack of anything more important to focus
on that week, I put up a photo of a few tiny plants, just poking
up from the snow-encrusted soil.
This week, spring is here! And since I once again have nothing
particularly special to talk about this week, here's a photo
of that same piece of dirt, this time blooming with flowers.
Below are some other pictures of the flowers currently brightening
up our yard. Aren't they beautiful?


In their annual survey of federal
agencies and the success they have had this year, the White House
Office of Management and Budget give one agency a score of zero,
out of 100 points, for results. When a $1.5 billion-a-year federal
program gets an official White House score that low, shouldn't
the President demand an end to the project? Not, it would seem,
when it's the DEA. |
"New scientific research, however, confirms
what the Vietnamese have been claiming for years. It also portrays
the US government as one that has illicitly used weapons of mass
destruction, stymied all independent efforts to assess the impact
of their deployment, failed to acknowledge cold, hard evidence
of maiming and slaughter, and pursued a policy of evasion and
deception. Teams of international scientists working in Vietnam
have now discovered that Agent Orange contains one of the most
virulent poisons known to man, a strain of dioxin called TCCD
which, 28 years after the fighting ended, remains in the soil,
continuing to destroy the lives of those exposed to it." -- "Spectre
Orange", Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy reporting |
"I enjoyed your website and
your HST [Hubble Space Telescope] software. I'm still working
on HST as a contractor." -- email I got
awhile ago from a fan [I'm getting used to getting fan mail,
but fans of my old NASA software are not the norm] |