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- How Did Reagan Cause the Fall of Communism?
"Lazarus! Hi, Lazarus! Hey..."
I say, as Lazarus barks loudly at another dog in between wagging
his tail hello at me. I crouch and he sniffs my face as I scratch
his head and say, "Lazarus, shh..." He keeps barking.
- volacious (voh-lay'-shuss)
adj. apt or fit to fly
- The Fast Runner :)
An Arctic drama
with scenes more accurate than
Knowledge: Foundations and Limits
Oscar Backlash

"It's *AWESOME* Fun, replayable, easily-learned, and
hilarious. It's a crime if you don't get the award again. I can't
wait to get home, buy it, and play. Keep them coming, because
I'm now a fan of LL." -- comments about
Nanofictionary from a male Mensa Mind Games judge in the age
23-40 category


Opened Door and Closed Capsules |
the right is the image that will be appearing on the BACK COVER
of the on-site program book at Origins
this year. Pretty cool, eh?
Here's something else cool, we have decided to slash our shipping
rates! For a consumer shopping in our
online stores, this means a lower base rate (starting at
$3 instead of $5) and free shipping (in the US) on all orders
over $100! For our stores
and distributors
we will now give free shipping on all US orders (although we
will start enforcing our minimum orders: $100 for retailers,
$200 for distributors.)
This change in freight terms has probably been overdue on
the wholesale end of things - this will make it easier for our
distributors to keep our full line in stock at all times, and
will make it possible for small stores who buy from us directly
to sell our
games at our suggested retail price, rather than rounding
them up a dollar to cover our shipping charges.
In family news, below are some photos of the twins with the
Time Capsules we finally got closed
up this week. On Easter Sunday, we officially presented the completed
Time Capsules to James and Sharon. Immediately after this photo
shoot, the finished capsules were whisked away to a maximum security
storage facility known as the Vault of Cruft, where they will
remain in deep storage for the next 15 years... [ Will I still
be doing weekly updates then? Will you still be reading them?

Have you voted
in the Origins Awards yet?