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Three-Toed Cloth
- Why Does Legalizing Pot Save the Space Shuttle?
"Uh oh," I say, realizing
the badminton birdy is missing its rubber head. It hits my racket,
bounces straight up and comes down. I hit it again. "Uh
- be·zoar (buh-zore')
n. a hard indigestible mass of material, such as hair,
vegetable fibers, or fruits, found in the stomachs or intestines
of some ruminant animals (e.g. wild goat, gazelle, llama), and
sometimes humans, formerly regarded as an antidote for poisons
and pestilential diseases, hence: any antidote or panacea. two
kinds were particularly esteemed, the bezoar orientale of India,
and the bezoar occidentale of Peru. [from Arabic
badizarhd from Persian pad "protecting"
+ zahr "poison"].
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch %}
unerect punk popera!
We love you, Hedwig!
W. Bush's Resume
"The graphics are great. Love the quirky options. Can
we get expansion decks? We love it like Fluxx! This
game made water come out of my nose."
-- comments about Nanofictionary from a female Mensa Mind Games
judge in the age 41-55 category


I'm an Art Machine |
been getting lots of stuff finished up this week. I've been cranking
out so much finished art, Kristin has been calling me an Art
Machine! And I'm not the only one... other projects are being
finished up around me without me even having to help! We're still
getting used to what it's like to have employees...
Here's a bulletized list of the projects we've been finishing
up this week:
- Summer
2003 Promo Cards: The art is ready to be sent to the
- ICE-7 Promo Card Packs:
The art has been sent to the printer!
- Nanofictionary
KoDT Promos: We've already gotten these cards back from
the printer: 68,000 of them! Tomorrow we'll be sending them on
to ROI, who'll be packing them into special envelopes to be sent
out to stores to be given out free to customers!
- Zendo:
The art for the box will be sent to the printer tomorrow!
We're particularly excited to finally have the Zendo box done...
it's way overdue! We're determined to have the finished products
in hand before Origins,
and that's starting to become Soon. Plus, the box is simply beautiful!
Shown below is what the underside will look like; surf back to
the WWN for 9/26/2
to see Alex Bradley's beautiful cover painting for the boxtop.
And how do you like the colorful new version of our logo I did?
It was inspired by the Origins program book ad I posted here
last week...

The Origins Awards are coming soon... have you cast your vote
In the past 5 months (i.e. since
the release of version 3.0), Fluxx decks have been selling at
an average rate of 75 per day! |
Dear Washington Post: I find it appalling that
you now feature the musings of a "beer guru", while
you remain unwilling to publish anything positive about cannabis
culture. How do you justify promoting one type of recreational
drug use while continuing to support unilateral prohibition of
other drugs? Instead of airing the opinions of a bartender (who
would have been a criminal 80 years ago), how about a regular
feature on the harms to society caused by the War on Other Drugs?
On April 13th, you reported on the fact that we have 2 million
Americans in jail, and even admitted that drug prohibition is
to blame, yet you couldn't bring yourself to draw the obvious
conclusion: WE MUST END THIS STUPID DRUG WAR. The free press
is supposed to publish difficult truths, not simply report the
viewpoint of the government. You should have given a regular
column to Ethan Nadelman, Keith Stroup, or Ed Rosenthal, not
Megan Coyle. (Better yet, give one to me!) |
"Sgt. Pepper's would never have
happened without acid. The Beatles were the premiere band of
the Sixties and if they had just said no, we wouldn't have some
of the greatest music that was ever composed. The culture wants
its novelty, and wants its beauty from the arts, but many people
are still unwilling to accept the reality that psychedelics have
played such a crucial role." -- Alex Grey,
in an interview in the summer 2002 issue of Trip,
the journal of psychedelic culture, page 47 |