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(em'-broh-kay'-shun) n. 1. the act or process of moistening
and rubbing a part of the body with a liniment or lotion. 2.
a liniment or lotion.

Full Metal Jacket %}
Two or three of the
best war films ever made,
all in one movie!
Hand Nicknames

This week's donation goes to:
Drug Policy
Eco-Fluxx |
you've read my What's
on the Stove? document, you should recall that we've lately
been testing out a couple of new versions of Fluxx, one for younger
audiences called Fluxx Jr plus another version of the game we're
calling Fluxx Reduxx. Well, after due consideration, we've decided
to press ahead with Fluxx Jr but to slide Reduxx onto the back
burner. Reduxx just isn't close enough yet... I want to let it
percolate a while longer before trying to publish it. Moreover,
we've decided there's something else we want to bring out sooner:
This idea is actually not all that new... we've been talking
about Eco-Fluxx ever since last summer, when Alison returned
from summer
camp with a rough plan for a nature-themed version of our
#1 hit. Since then, the idea has just been simmering, but over
the weekend we got busy and built a prototype deck. We've been
playtesting it all week, and it's great! We're really excited
about bringing it out!
What's in Eco-Fluxx? Well, it's got a whole food chain of
woodland creatures, ranging from caterpillars and the leaves
they eat, to the birds that eat the caterpillars, the butterflies
the caterpillars metamorphosize into, and the bees that join
the butterflies in pollinating the flowers. It's got frogs and
snakes and bears and fish and spiders and flies and beetles and
mushrooms and worms. It's got air and water and dirt, and it's
got the humans whose pollution can endanger such things. It's
got all the standard new rules and actions that make it Fluxx,
plus a few new ones that go with the theme, including the Recycling
rule (which lets you draw from the top of the discard pile) and
an action called Eat Dinner (which lets you steal a Keeper if
it's something that the current Goal says is eaten by a Keeper
you have on the table).
Eco-Fluxx will be the perfect version of the game to play
at summer camp, on camping trips, or even at school, where science
teachers will delight at the game's subtle but undeniable educational
value. And it'll be fun with a purpose: much like Stoner
Fluxx, we plan to donate a dollar for every deck we sell
to organizations working to support the cause, in this case,
protection of the environment. (We plan mostly to support our
favorite such group, the Nature Conservancy, but other groups
will be eligible too.)
We're planning to have a nearly-final prototype ready to send
off with Alison for playtesting at this year's sessions of summer
camp. When she returns, we'll make whatever final changes are
needed, send it off to the printers, and begin selling it just
in time for the holidays!
For those who can't wait for the real release, we plan to
post the preliminary Eco-Fluxx card list here in the next week
or 3. Meanwhile, the playtest
card list for Fluxx Jr has finally been updated!
for Playing Our
Games! |
I love Celebrity Poker Showdown, in which various minor celebs
play Texas Hold 'em poker, with their winnings going to charity.
I like it better than the World Series of Poker, in which the
world's best professional poker players battle it out for big
money. But what I'd really like to see is something I call Nobody
Poker Showdown, which would be a lot more like a regular game
show than the existing spectator poker programs. In Nobody Poker
Showdown, ordinary folks would play poker, tournament style,
for a prize pool of just $1000 or so, plus some prizes from the
sponsors. The action would be edited down to half an hour of
the most interesting hands, and whoever wins would be the returning
champ in the next day's show. |
"Dear President Bush: It's time to be honest about the
failure of the War on Drugs. Please seize this opportunity to
speak truthfully about your own personal experience, and to call
for an open, honest re-evaluation of our nation's punitive drug
policies. End the double standard that forgives some people their
youthful indiscretions while others are locked up and tarred
for life. Stop the Justice Department from imprisoning nonviolent
drug law offenders and especially the terminally ill who use
marijuana for medical reasons. It is time to stop the hypocrisy
and replace punitive drug laws with policies based on reason,
compassion, and justice. Respectfully, < your name here >." -- text on a postcard the Drug
Policy Alliance sent out to its members, for them to sign
and mail to the White House [Please help
us end the drug war! Put this text into your own letter and send
it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave 20500] |
"Sure--I worry about dying alone (or Keith dying alone). The
thing is, it really seems like a rotten and selfish thing to
have kids just so they can take care of you when you are old. And
anyway, there's no guarantee that the kids would be willing (or
able) to do this. People don't always do what you expect
them to do. And life doesn't always work out the way you
think it will--so maybe our deaths will be different than I fear." -- Ellen Baker, in The Honeycakes Diaries entry for
April 3, 2005, entitled "Why
Keith and I Don't Have Children" |

"I played Fluxx for the first time last
and night and just wanted to tell you all: ten thousand gold
stars and more thumbs up than I have on my two hands! Bloody
brilliant! Fluxx has replaced my weekly Cuban Uno game with my
friends (we use illegal rules...don't ask.) Thanks a million!"
- email "From One of Four of Your Newest
Fans," named Donna |