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sobriquet (so-brik-kay', so-brik-ket')
a descriptive name or epithet, a nickname. [from French.]

Festival Express :)
The songs are too long,
but Janis is so happy
it doesn't matter.
This week's donation goes to:
Students for Sensible
Drug Policy
Enter the Vortex! |

week, I created the all-purpose Looney
Labs advertisement shown here. As 2005 winds down, we're
starting to gear up for the 2006 convention season, which means
it's already time to be sending in the artwork for ads that will
appear in the literature being mailed out to people who are expected
to attend next year's conventions. (To be specific, we need to
send something to the Genghis Con people, since we're to be Guests of Honor
at their next convention and it's in February.) And since we
can't just keep using our same-old ads over and over again, I
created this! (Yes, it is quite a bit like that ad I did 2
years ago, with Icehouse
pyramids tumbling out of a doorway into another dimension...
but that was an ad specifically for the pyramids, this one is
for Looney Labs in general.)
That's about all I have to say this week. We're still trapped
in the vortex of our own busy-ness... between the overtime work
of building & running our own company, and the ever-daunting
task of packing our stuff so we can move, not to mention trying
to maintain a social life, we often feel like we don't have time
to breathe. But hey, I guess that's normal, here in the early
years of the 21st century America...
Speaking of being busy, things are really hopping in our sales
department right now, as you might expect, what with the holidays
upon us. Alison has been so busy making sales calls that she
didn't have time to do a new Animeld!
But happily, the sales are going well...
for reading, have a great week, and Don't Forget to Play! |
Note to Rabbits:
If you will be attending any of the 3 conventions listed
below, which
we'll be Guests
of Honor at next year, please add your name to our convention
roster, so we know to expect you! |
"As elected and consecrated bishops of the church, we
repent of our complicity in what we believe to be the unjust
and immoral invasion and occupation of Iraq. In the face of the
United States Administration's rush toward military action based
on misleading information, too many of us were silent. We confess
our preoccupation with institutional enhancement and limited
agendas while American men and women are sent to Iraq to kill
and be killed, while thousands of Iraqi people needlessly suffer
and die, while poverty increases and preventable diseases go
untreated. Although we value the sacrifices of the men and women
who serve in the military, we confess our betrayal of the scriptural
and prophetic authority to warn the nations that true security
lies not in weapons of war, but in enabling the poor, the vulnerable,
the marginalized to flourish as beloved daughters and sons of
God. We confess our failure..." -- A
Call to Repentance and Peace with Justice, signed by a majority
of the bishops of the United Methodist Church (GW Bush's own
denomination) |
"President George W. Bush has suddenly shifted rhetoric
on the war in Iraq. Until recently, the administration's line
was basically, 'Everything we are saying and doing is right.'
It was a line that held him in good stead, especially with his
base, which admired his constancy above all else. Now, though,
as his policies are failing and even his base has begun to abandon
him, a new line is being trotted out: 'Yes, we were wrong about
some things, but everybody else was wrong, too, so get over it.'" -- Fred Kaplan, "I
Was Wrong, but So Were You" |
"Men from all sides, whom mere minutes ago had been
trying to kill each other, now rose from the trenches, cut down
the wires that separated them, and hugged each other, shook each
others hands, shared food, drink, alcohol, cameradery. Three
languages flowed from their tongues, and whether or not a man
understood German or English or French didn't matter. The message
was clear. The war is over. We are alive. Let us celebrate together
and fight no more. 87 years have passed, and that message is
nearly lost. In the US, where I am, we celebrate today as 'Veteran's
Day', celebrating those that served in the military. The 'old
name', of Armistice Day all but forgotten."
-- Buddha Buck, "The
War is Over, We Live, Let Us Celebrate and Fight No More", 10 November 2005, 11:20pm EST |
"One of my old work buddies introduced me
to Fluxx, and I played about 300-400 games of it while I was
pretending to work." -- comments with an
order from Daniel B. |