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Babette's Feast :|
Slightly tastier
than Babette's long-term, low-yield
municipal bonds.

DM of the Rings
"Family Fluxx has been flying off the shelves... and
the family loves playing it too! The grandkids put down their
Gameboys - for an entire weekend!" -- Herrick
at Riverwood
(one of our retailers, in upstate NY)
"Thursday" November
23rd, 2006 |
- Sponsored by Looney
Holiday Special Banner Ads |

Happy Holidays everyone! For the past several days we've been
celebrating, with many big dinners (not just for Thanksgiving,
but also Robin's
Birthday) which is why this site is so late.
With the holiday season now officially underway, we are officially
too busy to think. Kristin
in particular is going bonkers right now, working on deleting
bad records and merging duplicates in our database, pulling together
the mailing addresses for this year's big holiday
gift mailing. The mailing should go out next week!
We've got lots of other tasks & projects afoot, but I'll
mention just one other at this time: Banner Ads! Although we
historically have bought very little ad space, we've decided
this month to experiment with commercial banner ads for our Holiday
Specials at BoardGameGeek.com,
a site where lots of gamers go and where ad space is fairly affordable.
Visitors to BoardGameGeek may already have noticed one or
more of our ads, since our first batch is already in rotation
at their website. To see the whole set, check out the Looney
Labs Banner Ad page. (And check back again later, since this
is just the first bunch I made, and I've got others planned.)
As noted on the Looney
Labs Banner Ad page, we're on the lookout for other places
to place our ads. We have almost zero experience with this sort
of advertising, so if anyone has any suggestions on web sites
we should be trying to get onto (particularly if they're free
or cheap), please let
us know!
Please help us get the word out about our online holiday specials!
Regular readers may wonder about this new approach... we always
try to encourage our fans to buy our games in their local game
store, to support the stores who stock our games... why are we
now trying to drive people to our web store? The reality is,
many people now prefer to buy their holiday gifts online, and
we want to try to encourage these online buyers to buy from *us*
when they give our games as gifts this holiday season.
The painful truth is, we really need the cash. Kristin and
I currently own 100% of Looney Labs, but that will likely be
changing next year. We need to activate Plan B, which is to sell
off part of the company to raise much needed capitol (but please
don't ask Kristin for more details right now... ) The point is,
it's now more important than ever for us to have the best sales
we can possibly muster this holiday season. Therefore, we are
promoting our online holiday specials in every way we can, while
we also continue to promote sales of our games in the wonderful
stores who sell them. Thank you again to all our Rabbits
who have been out doing demos of our games at their local game
you love our games, please help us promote them! If you are active
with an online audience, please remind them how cool our games
are, and tell them about our online specials.
Tell your friends and family! All those people in your life whom
you have given our games to over the years, please let them know
about these great specials, and remind them that Looney Labs
Games make great gifts.
Thanks for reading, and wish us luck on big sales the next
few weeks!
PS: Since this week's site was so very late and we're too
busy to think, we've decided to skip the next update of this
page. See you December 7th!
I'm sad that Milton Friedman died... not only was he
an outspoken critic of the war on drugs, as a Nobel Prize
winner, he was also one of those impossible to dismiss, highly
credible voices we need so badly on our
side in this fight. (Three
years ago, I used a 1972 quote from him on this page.) It's
a bummer to have lost him, but what I'm really disappointed about
is the way his death was covered. Time and Newsweek both ran
big articles on him in their "Appreciation" sections
(a one pager in Time: "Milton Friedman, Freedom Fighter"
and two full pages in Newsweek: "A Man of Ideas in the Arena")
but neither article mentioned his decades-long dedication to
ending drug prohibition. It's really annoying how Big Media always
censors criticism of the Drug War, and it's especially sad in
this case because I feel certain Milton would have wanted this
message highlighted in these summaries of his life & radical
viewpoints. |
"The thinking is this: This is a big group of people.
They are not going away. You can't incarcerate them all. You
can't drive them out of the state. So they are here. What do
we do about it?" -- Mark L. Shurtleff, Utah's
Attorney General, regarding the movement to legalize polygamy,
seen quoted in a Washington Post article, "Polygamists
Fight to Be Seen As Part of Mainstream Society" |

"Another reason to stop caging people for using cannabis
that isn't mentioned is because the Bible indicates God created
all the seed-bearing plants, saying they are all good, on literally
the very first page (see Genesis 1:11-12 and 29-30). The only
Biblical restriction placed on cannabis is that it be accepted
with thankfulness (1 Timothy 4:1-5)." --
Stan White, "God
Says It's OK To Smoke Pot" |