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- The Octapeus
(pair-on-oh-maiz'-ee-uh) n. the use of a word
in different senses or the use of words similar in sound to achieve
a specific effect, as humor or a dual meaning; pun. [from Latin
from Greek paronomazein "to call with a slight change
of name, from para- "closely resembling" + onoma
The Quiet Earth %}
The last man on Earth
sat alone in a city.
He wore a nice slip.
Hugs Campaign

Pie-cosahedron & Magnetic
Acrylic Rubik's Cube
"I really can't wait for the final version of Just Desserts
to come out -- everyone we play it with loves it. Thus this Yule,
I am giving the beta version for Christmas. And I have 2 special
families in mind for the Jewish and Christian Fluxx sets - this
is a nice way to have customized games for many families out
there. Thanks!" -- comments with an order
from Cecelia T of Lakewood, CO
More Banner Ads |

the previous update, I talked
about some new banner ads I'd created for use over at BoardGameGeek.com.
I also talked about our Holiday
Specials, and how important it is for us to be getting as
many sales as we can right now.
This week, the story is basically the same. Shown here are
a couple of additional banner ads I just added to the set (check
out the updated Banner
Ad page to see others), and we still really need a really
really good holiday sales spike.
That said, sales have been rolling in, so here's a big THANKS
to everyone who's placed an order so far. Thank you for shopping
at Looney Labs!
If you haven't placed your holiday order yet, there's still
ample time... but time is running out. December
21st is the last day we'll be shipping before Christmas,
but you really shouldn't wait that long. How long it will take
for your package to arrive will depend on the shipping method
you select and how far you are from our warehouse (we ship from
Lorton, VA 22079). So if you've been putting off placing an order,
the time to act is now! (Also, if you want to be able to track
your package, you have to get it shipped via UPS.)
T hanks
for reading, and remember, games make great gifts! |
It's a drag having only one car between the 3 of us but one
thing that's making it easier to make do with just one vehicle
is being in the Prius
club. We know 4 other Prius owners among our families and close
friends, and this makes it very easy for us to borrow other cars.
You see, Prius owners tend to be more hesitant about loaning
their fancy high-tech cars to those who aren't familiar with
the car's finer points. By the same token, Prius owners are more
inclined to trust other Prius owners with their cars. And driving
a borrowed Prius feels just like driving your own! (Well, almost...
sometimes you notice tiny differences that make it seem like
you've slipped into a parallel universe.) Anyway, thank you for
loaning us your Priuses recently, fellow Prius Club members! |
I may be 43, but I've only just now been officially declared
an Adult. I've been going to the same dentist (Hi Linda!) for
20 years now, and because I gag easily, they've always been doing
my X-rays with child-sized films. But I just got back from a
check-up (no cavities!) during which they tried me on the Adult-sized
bite-wings, and it wasn't a problem! So I'm finally an Adult
now! Yay! |
We're in the midst of a cold snap and the heat in part of
the house isn't working at the moment, so I've been shivering
and chilly this week. It reminds me of how much I dislike being
cold, which in turn makes me happy about our recent decision
to move to Canada after all. |