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Waiting To Become My Future Self
I met myself once... apparently someday I'll use Time Travel
to give myself investment advice. But it doesn't work... I bought
stock as instructed, and lost everything. I can only assume another
chrononaut altered history in a way that bankrupted Microsoft,
right after I'd invested. If I get another chance, I'll tell
myself about Apple.
We're at a phone booth in the Jupiter section
of a space-themed cornfield maze. Zarf says, "Is there in
fact a camera visible?"
collogue (kuh-log') vi. 1)
(dial.) intrigue, conspire 2) to talk privately; confer

- eXistenZ :)
- The actors' talents
span the spectrum. This happens
to work with the theme.
Saving Grace
an inner city youth with no other financial prospects turns to
selling marijuana, it's an everyday crime story no one wants
to hear; but when an upper-crusty English widow, with nothing
but bills left behind by her husband, decides to leverage her
orchid-growing expertise into a new career, it's a comedy which
I hope a lot of people will go see. I have some complaints about
the ending, but overall this film is smart, well-written, well-acted,
and above all, funny.
Modern Ruins


Tuckbox and Time Off |
It seems like we've been living at a dead run for months.
I guess the last chance we really had to relax was in June, when
we spent a few days in Florida
with Alison's family. After that, it was the final production
push on the beta edition of Chrononauts,
plus all the other preparations necessary for Origins, then Origins itself, then the aftermath,
and then I had to quickly file a patent,
and then it was back to Chrononauts production, this time of
the real edition, the bulk of which we finally finished up just
last week. That means the next phase is marketing, but this time
around we're getting started on that early (i.e. when you're
supposed to), which means the game should actually be on store
shelves this Christmas! We've been sending out copies of the
beta edition (with a colorful new cover sheet that shows off
the new artwork) to the sales teams at the distributors who sell
our games to retail stores, so that they can try it out in advance
and then really sell it to all their retail accounts. (And incidentally,
our sales volume has really been picking up lately, and that's
been keeping us extra busy too.)
this week, with our current deadlines mostly met, we've been
taking it easy for a much-needed change. I say mostly because
we're still finishing up some loose ends, most notably the Chrononauts
packaging. Shown here is the near-final artwork for the box the
cards will be packaged in, but we still have one decision to
make before submitting the final art files to Carta Mundi: What
should we say about the appropriate age range for this game?
We're leaning towards "ages 11-adult" but if you've
got an opinion, now's the time to let us hear it.
Besides that, and mundane stuff like shopping and cleaning
up the house, we've mostly been spending the week just goofing
off. For example, I fixed the toilet handle that's been broken
since spring, but I also repaired (OK, replaced) my long-dead
Playstation, which means we've all been spending a lot of time
playing videogames. At last I can explore ancient ruins once
again, with my favorite fictional female, Lara Croft! We also
got hooked on Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey, a game we've had for a
while but which didn't run on our cranky old machine. It's a
bit grisly but very cool... it's very much Kristin's kind of
game, and she and Alison became quite engrossed in it this week.
We've also been watching a lot of movies, sleeping in, reading,
going to the state fair, and generally just enjoying not having
to work on meeting a deadline. How was your week?
Remember Peter

"We are here to demand an end to the shockingly
casual placement of dangerous blades in our places of work,"
-- Tomb Raider star Lara Croft, as quoted in
the Onion article, "Video-Game Characters Denounce Randomly-Placed
Swinging Blades" |
It's disturbingly similar to professional wrestling,
but even so I've really been enjoying watching radio-controlled
robots duel to the death on Comedy Central's new show, "Battlebots".
(And speaking of dueling robots, we heard this week that the
ZoidCo guys we met at Toy Fair
got the funding they needed!) |
"Cash tells no tales and leaves no trails."
-- Jorge Cervantes |