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The Prime Minister is Dead
One thousand centuries ago, in the crystal city of Lyralla,
the Emperor of Mars declared that whoever beat him at Icehouse
would become the new Prime Minister. After 3 weeks of tournaments,
the 3 best challengers each played a game with the Emperor. All
3 won. So they became a Tribunal, and the Emperor retired.
Gina holds open her backpack and says "Put
everything in here that's little. The gallon of water first maybe."
cater-cousin (kay'-ter kuz'-in)
n. an intimate friend

- Space Cowboys :|
- They have another
meaning for "hard sci fi", but
need more Viagra.
Space Cowboys
aging movie stars play a team of aging test pilots who finally
get their chance at a space mission, thanks to blackmail (and
a very contrived script). As fictional space program stories
go, it's pretty good, but I don't think that's saying much. Sure,
there were some parts I enjoyed, but there were also a lot of
things that bugged me, particularly the ending.
Retro Future

Politics, Buttons, and the
Cosmic Drama |
been writing my brain off this week, since I've finally gotten
around to writing about the current political scene, so all you're
getting up here is a disjointed list of bullet points:
- As noted, I've written the first two of six planned essays
about the Y2K
presidential race.
- I've also written a game design memo about a breakthrough
I had this week (with a little help from my game design pal cooperjon)
in finding a use for Morgan's
Tarot, a really weird tarot deck that features B&W cards
with no suits or numbers whatsoever (which makes it pretty hard
to play games with).
- We spent a lot of time moving computer stuff around, both
in the house and in cyberspace. You hopefully can't tell, but
looneylabs.com (and
our online store) have been moved to a different machine, at
a new ISP, Lexiconn. (Kristin is very pleased with their service
so far.)
- After a couple of false starts, and with our official deadline
already passed, we've decided not to make a display carton at
all for the first printing of Chrononauts.
(We finally got yet another prototype from Carta Mundi, and there
were two problems with it: first, they didn't make it like we
wanted it, and second, we decided that we don't like what we
first requested anyway. Plus it's expensive, and cashflow is
still tight. So we're just going to put it off until the second
printing.) Meanwhile, color proofs of the card sheets arrived,
and they look awesome!
- Games Unplugged
magazine is now accepting nominations for the 2000 GAMY Awards,
and they've got some great award categories, including Sexiest
Cover, Heaviest Game, Nicest Game Designer, and Best Gaming Snack.
(Hopefully someone will nominate Chrononauts for Coolest Theme
and Coolest Game Mechanic...)
- Tomorrow marks the 10 year anniversary of the day Kristin
and I got married,
and I love her more now than ever before. (That also means we've
been hosting a weekly game night for a full decade, since we
started doing that right after we got back from our honeymoon...)
- At long last, we're making our Go
Green buttons available for sale, along with 4 other new
PS: Sign
the petition to get Nader into the debates!

"The Constitution Party will uphold the
right of states and localities to restrict access to drugs and
to enforce such restrictions in appropriate cases with application
of the death penalty." -- The Drug Abuse
plank of the Constitution Party's Year 2000 Platform |
"Someday, the world will recognize the obvious
-- the counterculture is a persecuted minority group. There's
no difference between creating a gulag prison system for marijuana
offenders and the Holocaust. The Drug War is an attempt to exterminate
our culture. It's happening on a much more subtle level, but
morally, it is the same." -- Steven Hager,
High Times Editor-in-Chief |
"Prohibitionism is an ideology very similar
to Communism and Nazism. It dehumanizes its opponents, suppresses
the truth, justifies the use of deadly force against peaceful
citizens, and in the process destroys the lives and freedom of
those who are supposed to be its beneficiaries." --
Richard Cowan, of MarijuanaNews.com |