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New this week: Chapter
99, in which the Princess gives Dave a cardboard box containing
some of his things
Love Potion #2
"The green potion makes her love you,"
said the inscrutable curio shop proprietor, "but only for
ten years. The blue elixir lasts forever, but shortens your own
life by twenty years." I grabbed the green bottle and instantly
drank it down. "Wait," he said, looking up, "did
I say the green one lasted forever, or...?"
"The Cheapass Starbase Jeff."
"Never played it."
- Zarf and me
kith (kith) n. friends
and neighbors
- The Iron Giant :-)
Y'know, if Disney
made this, we'd have yet one more
stupid musical.
The Visitors
This French comedy tells the story of an 11th century
knight (and his squire) who travel through time to the modern
world (accomplished not through technology but with a wizard's
magic potion). What makes it great is the fully-realized character
of the knight... he confronts the distant future with logic and
determination, and sets about developing a plan for getting home,
just as any stranded time traveler worth his salt would do. There
are many laughs along the way as the visitors misuse and misunderstand
the details of 20th century life. [Warning:


Learn to...
- Thursday
- August 5, 1999
New this week:

Shaking Out the Rules for IceTowers |
Last week, I posted the initial set of rules for my newest
game, IceTowers.
Since then, we've done a lot more playtesting, and the design
is shaking out pretty nicely. We've made several significant
changes to the rules since last week's posting, and they've done
a lot to tighten up the gameplay. Here's what's different in
Version 1.1 (and why):
- No Minebacks: When you mine out a piece, you must
immediately use it to cap a different tower. If there are no
legal plays available, you must set the piece down and use a
different piece for your next action. (This largely solves the
Infinite Loop problem, though "tower wars" (infinite
loops involving 2 or more towers) are still possible. (I'm not
100% happy with this rule, since it introduces a memory element
with abuse potential, but it does seem to work pretty well.))
- No More Releasing: The releasing rule has been dropped.
(I regret losing this, since we lose a whole set of fun maneuvers
along with it, but Releasing just makes it too advantageous to
have your piece on the bottom, which in turn rewards slow play
and can therefore lead to stagnation in some cases (particularly
involving Jake). The game is a little less frantic without this
rule, but perhaps that's just as well.)
- Splitting: Whenever two pieces of one player's color
are next to each other in a tower, a different player may split
the tower in two, by separating the pair of same-colored pyramids.
You can't split your own pieces, nor is it required for another
player to do so. (This replacement play option doesn't come up
as often as Releasing did, but it can make a big difference when
it does. Splitting helps inhibit Tower Wars, and adds a minor
layer of diplomacy to the game.)
Regarding Tower Wars, I'm hoping that the Splitting rule will
make them pretty uncommon, but as long as they are technically
possible, we're going to need a rule to invoke when the situation
does occur. We're still trying to decide what that rule should
be; stay tuned, and if you've got an opinion or an idea, please
let us know.
Although Tower Wars are still an issue, the rules on the whole
are starting to feel pretty solid. Even so, we're still several
weeks away from the printing deadline, so feedback is still very
much desired and encouraged. If you've been playtesting IceTowers,
please switch to the newest rules, and let us know what you think!
As for the pieces themselves, the mold design is almost done
and we hope to sign off on it tomorrow. Then they'll start carving
it into metal! Now all we have to do is get everything
else we've planned printed and ready to go by the time the
pieces arrive, sometime this fall. Hopefully by next week we'll
have a better idea of when that will actually be.
you next Thursday...
Fitzsimmons sent in the best new Fluxx card idea I've heard in
a long time: it's a Goal, called Food Fight. You need War and
one food item, plus some other player must have a food item on
the table.
Captain 20? When I was a kid, he was the host of Channel 20's
line up of syndicated reruns. He wore a star trek jumpsuit and
pointy ears, and gave the Spock salute whenever he recited his
memorable catchphrase: "May you live long and win lots of
folks know the art of creating fun." - Kate
Jones, from the description of us and our site that appears on
her links page