
ginohn particles separated in spacetime
The Lives Of Others :)
It really happened, but worse,
could happen again.
Rush - Remember Song

Mess With Our Chocolate!

"I can't get enough of Fluxx.
It is my favorite. Every chance I get, I set up a game. My second
favorite is Aquarius.
My wife and I play at least one game, usually two or three, every
Friday night, after we get our 4 year old in bed. Lately I had
a chance to play 'Are You a Werewolf' with a large group of people.
Awesome Fun! And I am NOT a Werewolf, really its not me, its
that guy over there! " -- Bob
Winans, Endicott, NY

Links & more links
- sorry, too busy working on 3HOUSE to make a movie this week
It's Just Like This Time Last
Year (almost) |
I just got this intense deja-vu
kind of feeling, by reading a webpage I wrote almost exactly
a year ago. It's like everything I said about what was going
on in the week of May 25 2006
is happening this week too!
In the first paragraph, I talk about 3HOUSE,
and how I'm finally making serious progress on it. (The difference
is, last year I was saying it was a bigger job than I'd been
expecting, and that there was no way I'd be done with it in time
for Origins;
whereas this year, I'm hoping we'll be selling it at Origins,
since I finally finished the first complete draft just yesterday.)
The main body of the article is about the artwork for the
Tournament medallions,
and I've been dealing with all the same issues as I work on preparing
the medals for this
year's series of tournaments. (The difference is that last
year the new artwork I made wasn't well suited to become a permanent
standard and anyway, I was still of a mind to continue the tradition
of creating something fresh each year; whereas this year, I've
decided that whatever we use will become the artwork we use every
year, and needs to be developed with that in mind.)
Then in the final paragraph, I talk about a cool new Icehouse
game I'd just invented, which I refuse to reveal any details
about but promise to playtest with anyone I encounter in person.
(The difference is that last year, it was Martian
Coasters, and this year, it's Secret
Project 3H-1.)
Amazingly enough, even the
Thought Residues from a year ago seem perfectly appropriate
for this week; the first two are about social problems I still
worry about a lot (and about which nothing has changed), while
the third features wonderfully ironic quotes from a movie which
is entirely about doing the same thing over and over again at
a certain time each year.
Of course, not everything is the same... last year we were
getting ready to publish the Holy
Fluxx expansions, whereas this year, the new Fluxx
thing we're doing is all about zombies.
Last year we'd just gotten back from a
trip to Canada, and were still
thinking about moving up there, whereas now, we've just gotten
back from a trip to West Virginia,
which is where we're currently thinking
of moving to eventually. And lastly, a year ago Laura
Marsh (shown above) was just a random fan I'd met once at
a convention, but now, she's become a good friend and a regular
visitor to our house.
Anyway, there's a look at a week in my life, both now and
a year ago. |
for reading, and have a great week! |
back! He lived in our neighborhood for 6 years and we've
sure been missing him since he went back to California, a little
over a year ago. But he decided he liked living here better,
and this week, he moved right back to where he used to be! |
This evening I met a dude named Forrest and we played Fluxx
using his personally-customized Goth-themed
deck. He has a ton of wacky new cards in there, but my favorite
was a New Rule called Photo Shoot: "On your turn, take a
picture." At first I thought this might be hard to do in
some cases, but then I remembered that cameras are built into
everything now! It's a fun rule, give it a try. (PS, sorry we're
still out of Fluxx
Blanxx, we'll get it back into print as soon as we can...) |
"Love many, trust few, do wrong to none."
-- personal credo expressed by Yau-Man Chan (my favorite
of the competitors on Survivor: Fiji) |